
I've been writing fanfiction for nearly a decade now, but this is the first time I've ever finished a story. The last chapter of Cross My Heart and Hope You Cry has been published!


Hey there! I was wondering if you have any plans to continue updating the Monster High fanfiction story in the future? It's been a while, and I'm really looking forward to reading more of it."


Alright! glad to know 


@isEsme I'm sorry, I've just seen this! Sorry to say but I have no plans of updating Monster High any time soon. I've officially put it on hiatus because I've been blocked on that story for almost a year now. I don't know when it will be off hiatus.


I've written for Monster High for the first time in about four months. I've had the entirety of this first book outlined for a year, but writer's block is a b*tch and every time I've entered the document I've just stared at the page. I only wrote three pages of the next chapter, but at least that's something.
          There's only once chapter left for Cross My Heart. I've also been blocked on it for months, but wrote about two pages for it last week. It may or may not receive a sequel, but probably not.
          Butterflies is getting a rewrite (I know, I'm terrible---I should just keep going with what I have, considering it's so little). I just have this idea that is so perfect that needs to go in. I should probably delete it to get it where I want instead of rewriting it over and over. (I will probably do that now.)
          I'm thinking of posting one of my stories I have in the works after finishing Cross My Heart, but I'm not sure with my erratic writing. Should I just wait until stories are finished before I post them? Then it would be years before they came out to the public . . .
          After four months of no writing, things have finally been starting to come back these past two weeks. Thank you for being patient with me.


Cross My Heart and Hope You Cry | Sneak Peak {Chapter 22}
          . . .
           “You shouldn’t walk in there with assumptions-”
          “Oh, spare me,” Massie mumbled, Alicia and Dylan snickering appropriately.
          “-Massie. They never lead to anything good.”
          “Puh-lease, Isaac. What possible explanation could there be for Kristen to be hanging out with Kuh-laire who has been declared persona non grata since, like, forever,” Massie said with a huff, flicking the ends of her long bob over her shoulder.
          “If by forever you mean two weeks-”
          “Eleven days,” Massie hissed.
          “-then sure,” he continued, as if she hadn’t said anything. “Plus, it only being eleven days sort of proves my point, doesn’t it? Maybe Kristen wasn’t ready or willing to completely cut things off with Claire after a year of friendship.”
          “It’s either us or her, Isaac. This isn’t Hannah Montana, Kristen can’t have the best of both worlds,” she rebutted.
          . . .
          Chapter 22 to be published in two days!


April's Publishing Schedule:
               Friday, April 1st -- Cross My Heart and Hope You Cry | Chapter 21
               Friday, April 8th -- Butterflies | Chapter 2
               Friday, April 15th -- Monster High: Ghouls Rule | Chapter 23
               Friday, April 22nd -- Cross My Heart and Hope You Cry | Chapter 22
               Friday, April 29th -- Butterflies | Chapter 3