
Sorry for not updating in a while, thanks everyone who didn't unfollow me. It's my A levels and constant revision that has stopped me from posting for a while but I miss it quite a lot and will be posting a chapter soon haha I must remember the story !
          	Love Eden


Darling, where are you? Come back to me! 


It's okayy. I'm busy with school too right now. Assignments are pilling up even during my breaks. I love your story line so there's no getting rid of me anytime soon!  and your welcome ❤️


@MidnightAstrid  Sorry I have been a ghost, I am on summer holidays now so I should really post soon, no excuses ! I will finish the book. Thanks for sticking by, it really is motivating xo


Could you pleasee post the next chapter of the the boy in the shadows whenever you're free? I like reading your story. Nowadays most of the books that I like to read had stop being updated and it's frustrating. But I will wait and have hope. Sorry for my blabbering. Good day :)


Omg!!!!!!  Reallly???!!?!?? Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! ❤️


@MidnightAstrid I'm back !! I will update just for you :)


@NishaRose Kernisha!! Suppppp! Sorry I couldn't go on skype yesterday, I was on my dads laptop cause Ibroke my charger.. Like an Einstein an now i can' go on my laptop caue it's dead lol :( I'm getting a new laptop soon though! 
          Anywa, my ad was being stingy with his laptop lol ao I had only enough time to reply to my birthday messages on Facebook and then we went to  party at my fencing club and tomorrow I can't o on skype cause I have my ball! But i can  go on now!!.. Wow I literally said my life story!