@EdenTheReadingGoat - Hi Eden, I just finished Xavier and the Wolf and loved it so now I’m headed to book two. What I was wondering about is how many books will there be in the series?
@EdenTheReadingGoat okay, but don't stress yourself over it too much. At the least the numbers are there to indicate the right order. loved the story by the way ^^
I was curious about how you became a Wattpad creator with a paid book. I've been writing on this platform for about three years, with a one million plus views book, and several others with high reader counts. I've been approached by people from other platforms, but never Wattpad itself. Do you have any thoughts?
@sugainmytee Hi! For the Creators program you can take a look here: https://creators.wattpad.com and more specifically here https://creators.wattpad.com/programs-and-opportunities/wattpad-creators-program/ for the eligibility criteria.
As for paid stories: it's an invite only program and I don't know exactly how the selection process works. I wish I could give you more answers, but for me it was also a matter of just writing a story I enjoyed writing and then getting approached. One tip I can give is make sure your story is not too short (less than 50k words).
@sugainmytee Absolutely, I will update soon. I'm having a blast with it myself. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love writing Tales of Fire and Ruin too. But it's nice to be able to take a small break every now and then from a 'heavier' project with a lighthearted one.