Oh, hello!
Apparently, I still exist!
Some explanation…over the years, I kind of lost motivation and interest towards most of my works as well as Wattpad in general. Not sure how it happened, but y’know…sometimes writer’s block hits hard. That, and I often have a bad habit of getting bored with the things I create…thus resulting in me making something new.
However! While making those new ideas, I feel I have been able to evolve and grow as a writer…and I am now finally ready to return to this platform with some new content for you all! One thing of which being a book of short stories dedicated to my somewhat new original character Isaac, that I plan to release very very soon!
I’m extremely excited to get this little project out, but in the meantime since it’ll take me a little longer to complete it, please show some love to my good friend @saojunsjm! She’s an awesome writer, and currently has a pretty sweet Apex Legends fanfic going that’s worth a good read.
Other than all this, that’s about it for me tonight! Thanks to anyone who’s stuck around here all this time despite my absence, and I hope you enjoy what I have in store for the future!