
Just to let you guys know, you will see chapter updates, but they are just good ol' me. Editing chapter and making them make more sense, cause most of these were written when I was stoned off my ass....But any ways hope you guys enjoy and more chapters will be coming from me...My fellow Sinners- HVJ




Just to let you guys know, you will see chapter updates, but they are just good ol' me. Editing chapter and making them make more sense, cause most of these were written when I was stoned off my ass....But any ways hope you guys enjoy and more chapters will be coming from me...My fellow Sinners- HVJ




Alright here is a little taste, of what is to come in Always and Forever (Cato story): 
          We wanted to object to her decision, but we knew she wasn't wrong. If she were to leave him by himself, it would probably hurt her district and mentor. Also if Glimmer were to find him, there is a good chance he would be killed because he did fail her. He wouldn't have been cast out if he didn't, I did though think it was noble of Katniss to protect him. Once the last bit of the decision was made, we would get up and go meet up with the group to say what we decided.
          (Y/N) would call our group over and one by one, they would line up and take a seat around the fire. I would the say to them in a serious tone while (Y/N) held my hand, 
          "We have come to our decision and all the details about it, we have voted to leave Peeta here. Along with Katniss staying here with him..."
          My words would trail off, as Marvel and Thresh would let words of anger and discontent out from their mouths. I'm guessing they didn't want her left behind, but Katniss would stand up and say to them, in a calm but serious tone.
          "Look I know you two, want him to suffer the most...Thresh more the anyone here, but you must understand....I have to stay with him, and it's not because I want to. But I owe it to my mentor and district. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, if something happened to Peeta. Besides if any of you come back to the cave, we'll be here unless we have to move or are forced out by the gamemakers."
          Let me know what you guys think, and I will try and get this chapter out as soon as possible - EW






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Hoi there fellow readers it's EdensWriter coming to you with a preview of chapter 22 of Jasper's love. So give it a read and tell me what you think: 
           A soft snarl is what I hear come from both Peter and The Major, cause what she had said had set them both off. Cause I know to Ares, I am more then just a pet to him...I am his equal in every way, to show me less then what was expected of me was a big no no. Also I knew Peter didn't want to be here cause, I know her suffered just as much torture and pain with the witch.
          I felt Jasper's hold on me, but I catch a glimpse of his eyes changing to the reddish-orange color which meant Ares was out. He would give her a sadistic smile and say to her,
          "Now you see that is where you fucked up, Bruja....You took something that didn't belong to you, all so you could have your perfect solider along with my lieutenant....What in god's green earth made you think I would ever fight for you in a million years?


Happy new year, my fellow Wattdians and to my fellow readers. I promise to keep my books up to date also there will be Squeals to a few of my books. But also I do hope people are having a good new year so far, and see you soon my friends. EW


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To my readers, hello one and all...I'm am again saying sorry for taking so long with my books....I had some really bad shit happen to me in RL (the passing away of a very close family member)...It has been keeping me from writing...But I am here today to say...I shall be getting back to work and again I have been sorry I've also become a bit lazy as of late...Cause I know people here enjoy my stories...But depression mixed with just being how I was feeling just didn't make it as easy...But enough of me rambling on...I'll will try to get some of my books out...Starting with Hunger Games...Then Twilight...Then Sky High then Far Cry 5 book...But also thank each and everyone of you for your reads...It's very much appreciated and I hope you enjoy future books with me. With best regards, HollandValleyJohn


To my readers, I'm sorry I haven't been updating as of late....Well a lot of things in my RL have been kind of hard to deal with and keep writers block at bay....But fear not I shall return to my books and bring the conclusions (or sequels) to them. I just wanna say forgive me for being tardy....But I shall be updating my Twilight story, and my Hunger Games book....Along with my Sky High Book....But I hope everyone is doing well....and see you soon.


Hey there everyone...it's preview time...Tell me what you guys think so far...Also the new chapter will be out in a week or so(Sorry RL has been kicking my butt.)
          All I would do is nod, because with Ares being out, it was best for him to keep his mouth shut. But when he did speak, he'd turn his focus toward Maria and say to her in his own sadistic southern tone, 
          "I plan on it Maria, You have taken something that is mine....You know how that goes with me...Especially if you know who is out..." 
          My words tail off as I take down my shades and show off my red almost orange eyes, you see when Ares is out his eyes are almost like fire. From the years of him holding on to human blood in his system, when I saw the smile on her face go from cocky to scared. I let a soft chuckle leave my lips, as I told the others to head up to the stands while I take care of this. I could see Peter give me a look of concern, but I had no time to ask him what he saw.