
@grandegirl128 thank you so much ~ I'm trying to find a time to write another chapter but school has been so stressful to me :/ hopefully I'll find time soon 


Hello, senpai! Nice to meet you! Hope we can be friend. Just hop out of my account to check my favorite naruto story writer of hello, heartache! I love it. Hope you help me to be like you and give some advise to making stories.lol. 
          Sorry for being close when we're far. Lol. Sorry can't help to joke around even when they aren't funny. ^_^v. 


@sammy_luckie13 and can I ask what anime is your background picture you're using? I kind of watch it before, but that is so long about 4 years ago after I said goodbye to anime and welcome wattpad books. Kinda weird right? But I also don't know the reason to the sudden change. Hahaha. Sorry. 


Ummm no offense or anything just I was wondering what ur gender was because I don't really know guys that are like into books and super good writers. And if your a female then hi lol. Sorry just wondering. 


@SaphireWolfieShade Lol I see. Thanks, anyways 


@EdgyandFancy12 lol sorry its cause of your profile pic. Plus idk know you  your stilla good writer though 


@SaphireWolfieShade I'm a female lmao. Why'd you think I was a guy? I don't actually mind though 