I have finally put out a story I've been planning for months on end, "A New Hero" it's a Zelda Fanfic that's basically a "What if Link died and a new hero had to appear?"
Hopefully I do this story some justice!
Alright, so I was looking back on my Wattpad announcements, and wow was I cringy.
Anyways! I'm here to announce I'm actually working on a new book that I'll probably get a chapter up on today!
Probably. I don't know for sure though, could take a while longer. I don't use Wattpad often anymore
Why does everyone like "Me? I'm Goku". It's not good, stop reading it. Read litterally anything else. Out of all of my works, I am not proud of that one. Because it's the only one still up.
Wow, it's been a while.
I've been planning out multiple series fofr a while. I think i got one ready, almkst, so hopefully I'll be releasing a book soon
ok, so ssomeone was dumping fishing shit into my houdses chest on minecraft right? so i put signs outside saying "mess with my house, i'' blow your base the fuck up"
long story short, someone messed with the signs. and the owner got pissed cause i did what i said i'd do, and kicked me.