
Wow… I feel like I should update y’all on some stuff!! So, basically, I graduated high school May 19th 2023 (been a year already?! Wow!!) got into an almost fatal car wreck in August of 2023, got kicked out and disowned, the woman who raised me killed my dog, my sister took her side and made a disgusting joke about my dogs murder saying I’m next, I found out Nancy (the woman who raised me who y’all know as my Nana or step grandmother) and her daughter committed tax fraud and identity theft using my social security number, Nancy still has my other dog AND my Papa’s ashes, I have since realized that I was abused my entire childhood and I was just manipulated and abused into believing otherwise, I have mental illness and have an upcoming evaluation scheduled to see if I have autism!!


Oh!! And my favorite goat Piper (who acted more like a human child and I loved her as my own child) died in my arms yesterday and I was home alone to I had to bury her alone along side my elderly neighbor Lance and it was very traumatic for me as I kept talking to her, holding and rocking her, kissing her, hugging her, and petting and patting her as if she was still alive even though I knew otherwise because I was in shock and denial and I didn’t want to stop holding her. I wanted to hold her forever. So I guess yall could say that after everything I’m pretty traumatized!! Lol


Wow… I feel like I should update y’all on some stuff!! So, basically, I graduated high school May 19th 2023 (been a year already?! Wow!!) got into an almost fatal car wreck in August of 2023, got kicked out and disowned, the woman who raised me killed my dog, my sister took her side and made a disgusting joke about my dogs murder saying I’m next, I found out Nancy (the woman who raised me who y’all know as my Nana or step grandmother) and her daughter committed tax fraud and identity theft using my social security number, Nancy still has my other dog AND my Papa’s ashes, I have since realized that I was abused my entire childhood and I was just manipulated and abused into believing otherwise, I have mental illness and have an upcoming evaluation scheduled to see if I have autism!!


Oh!! And my favorite goat Piper (who acted more like a human child and I loved her as my own child) died in my arms yesterday and I was home alone to I had to bury her alone along side my elderly neighbor Lance and it was very traumatic for me as I kept talking to her, holding and rocking her, kissing her, hugging her, and petting and patting her as if she was still alive even though I knew otherwise because I was in shock and denial and I didn’t want to stop holding her. I wanted to hold her forever. So I guess yall could say that after everything I’m pretty traumatized!! Lol


hello my beautiful fat heads. I got logged out of this account and it was my second account so I forgot the name and I just found an old screenshot with the name. I'm currently trying to find a way back into this account but the account I'm using is my main account


You still here girl?




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@outa_pocket_shit Yeah, just got logged out, forgot the account name, finally found a screenshot of account name, forgot password, trying to log in and find correct password, and now I'm updating everyone to let them know


So I have Covid. And I posted on Facebook that I have covid so now my grandma's sisters are texting her to see if SHE'S alright, and now she's pissed at me and told them I've been in her room (more than 6 feet though every time) and she yelled at me saying that if she catches Covid and dies then it'll be my fault 


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I went to my sister graduation and my drug addict aunt was there. Everyone knows I'm uncomfortable around her and yet my uncle man handled me into a photo next to her (probably will have bruises in the morning) and my grandma blamed me for being rude and said that I could've moved away (even though I repeatedly told her he was grabbing me by my arms hard and tight) and said I could've gone to the car before they asked for pictures (she knew I already tried that but she made me come with) and she said she must be more strong willed than me because no one's going to make her do anything she doesn't want to do (she knows I'm very strong willed but I had to do that BECAUSE HE HAD ME BY MY ARMS) and my other aunt's friends grandma was pulling me by my jean jacket hard (it's a ripped jean jacket so she probably either is stretched it out or ripped it more) and I cried in the van (and I never cry) and the thing is with me and crying, I've gone through and dealt with so much shit in my life that when I'm crying and I talk I don't sound like I'm crying unless I'm sobbing. It's whatever at this point. I'll be over it by the morning, I always am. I just have to let it go because it's just something that happens in the family. And they know I'm uncomfortable with being in pictures (I'm self conscious about my looks) and yet they still force me in pictures, choose my ugly pictures and post it on Facebook 


@MemorialPage I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I hope it gets better


The people in my choir were playing music and they put on a song I requested (we're doing request) and they immediately turned it off just because it's a slow song. So I didn't get to listen to a song I liked just because it was a calm relaxing song. But then they literally played a bunch of other slow song but singing along to those ones. And it's pissed me off


TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'M 17!!!!!


@MemorialPage happy birthday ❤️


@MemorialPage  enjoy sweetie ❤️