
Chapter 34 of Addiction is up!


The rewrite for Affliction is done! Please let me know how you're liking it <3 Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this, it will be off to the editor and then back on the shelves while we prepare for the audio book.


The rewrite of Affliction is almost done! I really love it, I feel like it so accurately portrays who Nicolas is and does him so much justice as opposed to the previous version. I wanted to make sure people understood ‘why’ and I hope that came across. 
          I’ve got 4 more chapters then I’m going to get back to work on editing the rest and working on Addiction! 
          Thank you so much to everyone who has read the stories, your feedback has been crucial. Affliction will go back to the editor and be republished this time at a much more affordable rate. I’ve decided to invest some money and time into having it turned into an audio book and that will be done hopefully by the end of the year. I just have to find the right voice actor!