
Hello everyone!
          	It’s been so long since the last time I posted here on Wattpad. 
          	I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been editing and writing the new chapters of “Cursed Souls”. 
          	But I will not upload more chapters on Wattpad until I complete writing the first book. 
          	This is because I don’t want to edit out things in case of changing my mind on something. 
          	I can’t wait to share the complete chapters with you all! 


Hello everyone!
          It’s been so long since the last time I posted here on Wattpad. 
          I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been editing and writing the new chapters of “Cursed Souls”. 
          But I will not upload more chapters on Wattpad until I complete writing the first book. 
          This is because I don’t want to edit out things in case of changing my mind on something. 
          I can’t wait to share the complete chapters with you all! 


Hello guys!!
          I just posted a Map of the four Kingdoms to support my story and to help you locate  where the Kingdoms are. 
          You can go and check it out if you like!! 
          I would also like to know your opinion about it!!
          Lots of Love 


Hola everyone!!
          Chapter 4 of "Cursed Souls" is up. Sorry for the delay, I know it's hard to remember the plot if it gets so long for the next chapter to be uploaded, but I'm trying my best to include the most important events of the previous chapters into the new ones! 
          Hope you enjoy it!!


Hello Hello everyone!! Hope you're doing all well!! 
           I'd like to apologise for not updating "Cursed Souls" the last months. I've been studying for uni and I haven't had enough free time to complete and upload the next chapters... 
          I've written some things, but it's not a complete chapter and it needs editing.. 
          But, I start holidays soon, so I'll be able to complete something soon, yay!! 
          I might upload a short "flashback" chapter as well!! 
          Thanks again guys for the support!! 


Hello everyone!
          The 3rd chapter of "Cursed Souls" is on the way. 
          I'm currently editing some details such as the names of Kingdoms, villages and the names of people who will make their appearances in the next chapter. 
          I know it takes a long time to upload the chapters, but apart from the fact that I don't have much time to write, I want to be really happy with the final result cause I don't want to be editing the chapters after I've uploaded them... I'm a perfectionist, I know 
          Thanks again for your patience and your support!! 


          I really love your book, Cursed souls so much. It is very interesting and am always at the edge of my seat eager for more. I was hoping that you could also check out my book, Sweetest devotion and give me your point of view since I am amazed by your work. It will mean so so much to me.


            I'll read it as soon as I can!! 


Hello! I just want to let you know that I'm really thankful that you took your time to read, vote, comment and even add my book into your reading list! I have no words to actually describe how happy and thankful I am. Thank you so much! 


Thank you too for reading my story!! I'm glad you liked it!! 