
Show of hands, who wants a Vox Machina x OC story?


If I were to write an OC x The Batman 2004 story, who should the love interest be?
          Ellen Yin?
          Vicki Vale?
          Harley Quinn?
          Someone else, (Name Someone.)


@Egelhoff a little. Mainly with ideas.


Hello, do you need any help with your brilliant stories?


An Update on my God of War/ Skyrim Crossover!
          The God and the Dragonborn.
          We follow a Half Elf/Half Nord named Jek, the Dragonborn, several years after the events of Skyrim. In this AU, he established peace between the Imperials and Stormcloaks, stopped the dragons, etc.
          But when he receives a vision telling him to go to the land of Midgard, Jek travels there with his closest friends.
          Serana, cured of her Vampirism.
          Aela the Huntress.
          A dog named Leo.
          Inigo, (a modded companion.)
          And maybe Mjoll.
          They soon arrive in Midgard and befriend a woman named Faye, her young son Atreus, and her griff husband.... Kratos.
          Some time later, we get the events of GoW 4, where Jek's group accompanies Kratos and Atreus on their quest.
          And as the story goes on, Jerk forms a strange connection with a certain witch in the woods....


I've recently been toying with the idea of a Wolf Among Us story, with an OC version of a fairy tale character who didn't appear in the game or comics being Bigby Wolf's partner.
          Anyone got ideas for who I could use?
          As well as who his love interest would be?


So for my God of War crossover story, I've decided to cross it over with Skyrim!
          The Dragonborn, several years after the events of Skyrim, (with him brokering peace between the Stormcloaks and Imperials, helping as many good people as possible, etc), finds himself traveling to the realm of Midgard after receiving a vision to go there.
          His name is Jek.
          I'm now trying to decide a few details.
          And you all can help!
          1. I've narrowed it down to Freya, Serana, Aela, Mjoll, Jenassa or Lydia.
          2. Jek will either be a Nord, an Orc, an Elf, or a Half Elf, Half something else.
          3. Who of all these companions should accompany him? Erandur, Onmund, Serana, Aela, Mjoll, Barnas, a random dog, Teldryn Sero, Brelyna Maryon, J'zargo, Jenassa, Lydia or Inigo, (the only fanmade companion on the list.)


If I were to write a God of War crossover, which game do you think would work?
          Dragon Age?
          Baldur's Gate?
          The Witcher?
          Elden Ring?
          Dark Souls?
          Or another specific game?


@Egelhoff .... That's not was I was planning AT ALL. My plan was for the events of whichever game I choose to already have happened before the main lead of the game, (them being basically an OC, since these characters can be customized), ends up involved in the events of God of War 4 and 5.


@Egelhoff so I see it going like this with it being a legend passed down to generations because of Loki. Instead of being a typical trickster. He in many realms is seen like a hero and tells the story of him and his friends saving his home. He travels the realms for a long while influencing many with magic and more. Leading to much of what we see in dragon age.


@R3DJ3st3R and how would you suggest the two cross over?


I'm hard at work on Crusaders of the Cosmos, and wanted to ask my followers something important....
          Should I give Sam 69 lovers in the story?
          I can't resist a good sex joke, so I was wondering if anyone thought I should do this, and if so, any girls you wanna see added in?