the breakup was for the best. he never cared nor liked me from the beginning. four months of nonstop lying and believing false information. he broke up with me before we saw each other in person. i saw him on the 12th of this month with some friends. it would’ve been nice if he had done it after we saw each other, but it wouldn’t have made a difference either way. he never liked me. i get that we’re 14 and the relationship isn’t that deep, but it feels deep. especially since in every conversation we have with our friends, the relationship gets brought up. we all talk about it constantly at this point. i should stop talking about him, it’s not doing me any good. but i’ve come to the realization that he’s bad for my mental health. the feelings that i felt for him. just thrown all away out of nowhere. actually, let me correct myself, *feel*. the feelings that i thought he had for me? nonexistent, never did exist. i still have feelings for him. it sucks. he doesn’t like me. at least that’s what he says. everyone is convinced that he likes me, and that he’s just lying like he constantly does by saying that he doesn’t. but why would he like me after we break up? it doesn’t make sense. maybe he feels bad? no. not possible. he doesn’t feel bad, he doesn’t care, he never did. i should just give up. i tell my friends that i don’t like nor care about him, but we all know that’s a lie. i still have feelings for him. but he never did.