I hope at least ONE Burn reader sees this lol If I were to remove the current Burn book and rewrite it would any of you be opposed to it? I've read over the story myself in an attempt to figure out where im going with the next chapter, but instead found I'm not super happy with how i wrote it the first time around. There are a LOT of potholes, inaccuracy, and errors in the story that unfortunately I'm just too far into the writing of this story to be able to fix now, but I know a lot of you enjoy this story. It would all be written with the same plot, just in a better way...(For example maybe Y/N isn't seeing a Vancouver show while living in Peterborough...or something...i dunno)..... I just feel like I could re-write this in a better way. If i did re-write, out of respect for Matt, there wouldn't be any smut this time around. Reading that chapter a year later made me uncomfortable, sorry. The other option to this, unfortunately, seeing as I have no idea where to go with the next chapter where the book stands, if I don't re-write I may just end up ending Burn here but leaving it up. The way I wrote this story honestly left me with no idea on how to finish, but I feel I can fix that. If you see this, please reply and let me know. Any opinions appreciated, I have loved writing this for you all, thankyou for your support <3 I will make my decision a week from now (next Friday)

@EggsPeedinMyTea I am just seeing this . Whichever option you choose to take is up to you. I think rewriting the story is okay though. I want to see the new routes we'll have this time around