@JeddieJay You are one of the people that would come to my mind if someone asked me «who does inspire you the most?». I'd spend maybe hours listing all of them but surely you would be part of that «them». I won't say that you're one of my favourite fan fiction writer or something like that. I value you as one of the writers I admire the most, one of those writers that doesn't simply put some words one after another's. One of those writers that put all his heart in what he writes, like every word was a treasure, like every concept was a little seed that needs all your cure, and your attention, and your love to become a beautiful tree, to flourish splendid blooms, to "give birth" to amazing fruits. I don't know... the fact that you are able to create not only a world, but even a universe—as I said—outside and inside the characters using just these words that all the people have in front of their eyes (and yet most of them can't use properly) is weirdly awesome (And weird in my opinion is always a compliment). You see? It's not everyone's thing. You do something that fascinates with an incredible easiness, something that has the power to capture who reads in your wonderful and insatiable web. I swear. Since I started reading your stories I can't help reading them anymore. It's not something that happens so frequently, you know. It's rare and I bless that moment in which I clicked on «Confessions of a gay Disney prince». I'm so grateful to you. When you find someone that write exactly what you need to be written but in his own weird way, you can't help but start caring about him. About him, about the character he narrates about, about his whole way to do what he does.