
Dear EgyptManInEgypt,
          I found your story when I wasn't quite feeling myself. Your composition really brought me back to life. It was created so beautifully, and I swear it grew a tear in my very eye. I really love stories that include my beloved Egypt, and you did it wonderfully. Thank you, EgyptManInEgypt.
          PS: We should become penpals!
          Happy sailings!
          ScottishSailor out!!


Hi EgyptManinEgypt,
          l'd like to send a sincere thanks for you marvellous creation. After reading "Egyptian adventures in Egypt" | felt inspired, and inspired I was. After this read I started living life on the edge, whether it be searching for water in the Egyptian Dessert, or trying to grab the Egyptian Fish from the Egyptian sand in Egypt. However, I do have one problem with the story. After reading, I couldn't quite narrow down the setting. Anywho, I thank you EgyptianManinEgypt for the read, and I hope some day I can write such meaningful words.
          Best Regards, NepaliHiker.


Dear EgyptManinEgypt,
          I thoroughly enjoyed your writing, and I was wondering if we could collaborate some time
          A writing battle if you will, I'll publish my book and we will see who reigns supreme.
          Kind regards, TheBangladeshMan.


@TheBangladeshMan, Hi
            I’d just like to announce, I’d be thrilled to read both books. In fact, I’ll be patiently waiting for this “Brilliant Book Battle. I can’t wait to uncover these amazing examples of English literature.
            Sincerely, NepaliHiker :D