
Hey everyone! good news! I'm back! yaaaaay! and I bring you a new chapter! sorry for the long wait, and I hope you enjoy.


hello everyone! 
          Hope everyone is well.  Some exciting news! today is my last day of school, forever! wooooooo! only a few more hours left to go then I'll be free, at last. 
          With that being said, moving forward, I will have more time to write these stories. However, that being said, moving forward I will be prioritizing my portfolio and my personal game projects first (as they will relate to my future career) and my book series that my good friend and I are writing together. But, that will not mean I won't put aside some time to get more of these chapters out. I haven't forgotten them! 
          Tomorrow, I am driving across Canada to visit my brother, and that means over 3,000 km of being stuck in a car. Soooooo I will be prioritizing getting some writing done while we drive. I'll be MIA for the next month (due to this vacation), and I don't know when I'll be able to post after that since we moved into our new house and we yet to have internet (I'm typing this at my grandpa's lol).  so in the mean time, I WILL be writing the next chapter updates, but I'll have to wait until we get internet before I can post. So, be patient with me, I am trying haha. and I hope to see you all back here soon with a few chapters. have fun and stay fab! 


ok. so, those two weeks did NOT go as I thought lol. I literally spent one week helping my parents paint our new house (I hate painting now) and then I helped out at a weeding and then I had to work and also plan out my school schedule for the next three months. So, I'm not happy that I was only able to get one chapter out (which was just posted.) It is for my Blackguard story. Sorry no chapter for the Raccoon's shadow story, but I am still roughing it out right now. However, the next three months are going to be really heavy as they are my last three months of school (yay!) so I probably won't have a lot of downtime. On the big plus though, in September, I will be driving across the country with my parents to visit my brother, so that will give me a lot of time to rough out some stuff. and hopefully get at least one new chapter out within that time frame. So, sorry for the lack of updates I really hope I can get one out again soon. stay fab! XXOO


I'M FREEEEEEE!!! for two weeks. just finished up my 7th semester out of 8, which means, I only have 3 months left of school FOREVER!! which means I will also be working on these stories for 2 weeks. I hope, HOPE I can get some chapters released for you guys. wish me luck.




Whaaaaaaat? a Post for ME??! GASP! yes, it is I.....
          Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing well. It's been a while....A long....while since my last update lol and I apologize, the last...geesh MONTHS have been busy and between school and work I burnt myself out and my motivation to write went down, but I haven't forgotten the stories! Don't worry, I have been planning multiple chapter releases since March (but just haven't had time to really sit down and write). The good news is, I will be graduating in early September WOOOOOO, and my last semester will be lighter which means (hopefully) I will actually have time to sit down and write.
          But yeah! just wanted to check in and say hey! and I hope everyone is doing well and having a good time. I'm really excited for what I have planned for the next chapters in ALL of my stories. I'm getting really pumped to write them out. But, I will just leave this off here. Hope you all have a good day/night where ever you are! and just wanted to say thanks for sticking with my slow a$$ updating schedule, you guys rock. love you lots and hopefully the next time you see an update from me, it will be a chapter release. <3


So the edited chapter of Bound by Hatred is up (chapter 10). I'm not going to bother editing the non-cannon ending, but I will leave it up. So, from this point onwards, many changes to the story may happen, so that being said, all edits will stop until I have the whole story edited, then I'll post them here.


@Lollipopkay Glad you liked it! :)


@Egyptianmaus I did. The change was a twist and I loved it