
Okay, so i'm a bit worried about my friend. She has a girlfriend, which is cool, I'm bisexual myself and she is too. Though her girlfriend has a past of dating people randomly, or crushing on a handful of people. And before they got together, my friend confessed to me, yet we remained friends and are very close, but they started dating just a week after I rejected her. I think she generally liked her, but I don't think her girlfriend likes her that way, like I said she dates people randomly. PLUS, she likes about five other people WHILE in a relationship. She even openly admitted it to us and now my friend knows who one of the people are, causing her to hate that person all together. By the way, one time I was with my friends girlfriend and the guy she liked was also there, we were playing just dance two. She started to tell the guy to compete with her over and over. So, the guy started to flat out ignore her and talked to me, because she was begging at this point.
          	Sorry if I was ranting, I'm just worried for my friend, but if I confront her she'll get angry at me and think I'm trying to break them apart. Any advice? If so, please do tell. Thanks for reading!


Okay, so i'm a bit worried about my friend. She has a girlfriend, which is cool, I'm bisexual myself and she is too. Though her girlfriend has a past of dating people randomly, or crushing on a handful of people. And before they got together, my friend confessed to me, yet we remained friends and are very close, but they started dating just a week after I rejected her. I think she generally liked her, but I don't think her girlfriend likes her that way, like I said she dates people randomly. PLUS, she likes about five other people WHILE in a relationship. She even openly admitted it to us and now my friend knows who one of the people are, causing her to hate that person all together. By the way, one time I was with my friends girlfriend and the guy she liked was also there, we were playing just dance two. She started to tell the guy to compete with her over and over. So, the guy started to flat out ignore her and talked to me, because she was begging at this point.
          Sorry if I was ranting, I'm just worried for my friend, but if I confront her she'll get angry at me and think I'm trying to break them apart. Any advice? If so, please do tell. Thanks for reading!


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I got into an accidental debate with my parents about religion last night. I wanna just write it down to basically sum it up with myself. So don't mind me!
          I guess I'm partly Christian? I believe in God and stuff, but I have a few of my own ideals. Basically, you don't have to be Christian to go to heaven. You just have to be a good person in general. Plus, hell doesn't exist. Just get that out. Though, that doesn't mean a murderer gets to live in paradise. You go to heaven, but you have to pay the price in a boring unfulfilling office job for the number of bad deeds in a number of years. (Or something like that.) If you die, but aren't really happy with the life you lived, you get to be reincarnated. Not as a plant, because if you're a plant, that'd be boring. You can't choose though. That doesn't mean as an asshole you can just escape to another life. You have to do the boring office job thing THEN get reincarnated. Sounds cool? Cool. Heaven isn't this perfect place, no, no, no. Basically it's Earth two, except better, but still sucks a bit. Because being too perfect is boring.
          So those are my thoughts. Honestly you don't have to agree with it. Thanks for reading tho.