Good day, everyone! As many of you know, I have a fantasy web novel series called Destin. in my Destin series, there will be 15 titles, ten of them will have Destin in front of them, four of them will have not have Destin in front of them but will be part of the Destin series. Here are the projects I have planned out: The ten with Destin in front of them will be called Nocturne, Chrysós, Dragoon, Excellion, Felicity, Lapidary, Utopia, Anima, Vermilion, Völuspá, Vagary. The spin-offs will be called Breath of Life, Midnight Diaries, Synchronicity, and Terrestrial Ether. Right now, my composer and I are the ones participating in this project since our artist left us. Though I love work, right now I’m afraid this project is too big for just us. I not only want my novels to be published as books, I also want my stories to become visual novels, portable video games, and hopefully one day brought to life on the big screens as well. My partner and I could really use some help guys. This is a project I have edit on for awhile and I know it is worth investing your time in. The Destin series can do well in the fiction industry. I don’t have much to offer right now, but I can promise to make everyone who will work on this project will be given the credit they deserve and share whatever royalties this project is able to make. The name of our group is Chromaticity. What our team needs is are Artist, scenario writers, programmers, planners, an whatever talents you think you guys can offer to our franchise. If you are interested or have any question about Destin, just ask me anytime and read the material graph in the my profile. Can’t wait to hear back from all of you!