
I just want to thank everyone for reading my story "Ringwanderung" and helping me reach 1000 reads! To express my thanks, I uploaded a new chapter :D Enjoy ❤


@Eisen_Zu are you going to continue? 


I'm not the first (and definitely not the last) one to stay this, but your writing is absolutely amazing! It's especially more stunning when I found out that english isn't your first language. I just love how descriptive and good your writing is and I wish that you had more followers because you clearly show some really talented writing abilities. Not to mention that this is your first time writing. Everything is just so amazing to me that I couldn't help but give you a small message of support on your board. 
          I wish you luck on your works and know that I'll always be there to support you and your works! I hope you remember me when you become famous! Fighting! 


@GirlSpilltheTae You're welcome! And, don't worry, you could never ruin the story and I'll always find your stories entertaining! 


@GirlSpilltheTae OMG, thank you so much ❤❤
            It really means a lot. I'm extremely grateful for your support because I always worry about the feedback and possibly messing up the story. This message really gives me the strength to do my best ^.^
            I could never forget the support you gave me. I will try to make even better stories in the future. I wish you all the best as well ✊ Hopefully, you will find my future books entertaining too :D Fighting!


@The_Tenebrous Thank you so much ❤ I appreciate it a lot that you like my story. 
          I guess I'm more used to writing long chapters instead of short ones and it's a lot of fun  It hasn't been long since I started the story, so it's understandable, but I'm sure if I continue to do it with love and passion, followers and views will come along naturally 
          Fellow author, fighting to you too! ✊