
Sooo I got a bit busy with work and school for a while, but I'm back now and just published Chapter 12:Initiators. Read and enjoy! More to come soon!


Donezo! Chapter 11 is now published. I think I may need to change from daily updates to every other day, so sorry about that but its' the best I can do right now. No worries though, this story is still far from over! Enjoy!


Hello readers! Sorry I haven't been uploading daily for the past few days, it's been a crazy long weekend! I am working on the next chapter now though, and it should be up sometime tonight. I would be more precise but I'm honestly not sure how long it'll take. Anyway, Chapter 10 coming soon! Thanks for your patience!


Okay, guys. I think this one has taken the longest yet, but it's done! Chapter 8: Surprises, has been published. Hope you like it. Also, it's changing from what I originally wrote a couple of years ago so bear with me, it may take longer to upload as I'm kind of re-writing a huge portion of the story. Anyway, enjoy!