What a let-down I have turned out to be! Apologies don't really cut it, and I wouldn't add insult to injury by doing so, but just to say that at some point, this rollercoaster that has now become my life (not all in a bad way though!) will settle, and I may finally get some time to re-establish some old routines; reading being one of them. I am so glad that you haven't taken it in the context that I'm "blowin you off", as that would never be the case. It's just that there is a distance of about 2-2.5 hours drive between me and my girl, and work is all exams, assessments and marking, so at the moment, I'm not even seeing that much of Rose Cottage!
It's all going really well though, but things are moving with incredible speed, except for my typin though innit!
Do know though, that I will still leave reviews, and I will still jump on for a live chat, as and when time allows, and please don't think that I don't appreciate what you have done for me and my life.
I hope everything is going well over on your side, and that the waiting game will not take too much longer.
Take Care, and hope to chat in the near future.