
@MasqueradeK xDDD That's so weird. I wonder why it would recommend me.


Heyhey, just realized I never followed you~
          Also, I reposted Out of the Shadows. I wanted to reset the read thing and just reset it all over. So if you'd check it out, or vote for it again if you'd like, it doesn't matter. ^^ 


Most modern YA fiction I don't like at all, actually.  People keep telling me to read the Hunger Games and that it's oh-so-wonderful and oh-so-new!  I ended up seeing the film, and I was actually bored.  It's just a cross between Lord of the Flies and the Athenian sacrifices sent to the minotaur dressed up in a modernistic setting.  I mean, I figured that out way before I saw the film, but I was disappointed that it didn't really even have any big, predictable twists in it.  And that the characters weren't nearly as developed as I'd hoped.  I don't know, maybe they're better developed in the book, but in my experience, the most boring types of books to read -- for the style -- are always first person present tense, so I still don't know if I'm going to read the Hunger Games.  (Sorry if that offends you, because I know there are a LOT of HG fans out there, but it just didn't interest me that much.)  And when you consider that the Hunger Games is more the style of thing I'd read (from the competition in the plot aspect, not the way it's written) and it doesn't appeal to me, it doesn't say much for the appeal that most YA books have for me.
          Trust me, I would normally not have read Hush, Hush.  I was just looking for something easy to read in French, and it was the cheapest one on the shelf, so I got it.  I live in Belgium at the moment, so reading is one of the best ways to improve my French.  Unfortunately, Hush, Hush was every bit as bad as I feared it would be.
          No, I have no SP yet.  Actually, I've been working on Heartburst recently.  I got nearly 10k done this weekend, so I'm very happy.  And also quite worried, because the word count is getting FAR too big and it's not yet finished.