
Sorry for the delay on Chapter 2. Trying to get into a new work schedule as well as writing. Should be released within the next few days. 


It has been over 2 years since I completed Fate Chose US, and seeing my story bloom into this massive group of all of you fills my heart with so much joy and appreciation to you all. I cannot wait to share the sequel to this story, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as the first one. Stay tuned for updates and possible name drop in the morning. Love you all!


hii i love your work and was wondering if you would read mine and tell me how it is??


thanks so much!!


@almightypeanutjuice if I get downtime between writing and work, I would love to read it and let you know my thoughts <3


Hi, usually I’m weirded out by fanfics and I’ve never ever read one in my entire life till “fate chose us” and I can confirm, it was so fulfilling and thrilling for me. I’ve always enjoyed elmax and watching these simple 15 second tiktoks of scenes with romance related music but this was beyond description. I couldn’t stop reading and not just because of elmax but because of how thrilling it was for me. I really did enjoy it, keep up the good work! Ps: super excited for the sequel!!