UPDATE for 2021.
Paper Love (aka Faithfully) is cursed. Cursed, I tell you!
Okay, so not actually, but it's close. While I DID do MASSIVE edits to it, at the tail-end of last year, I got it down from 200k to 170k. Which is STILL too long for my publisher.
However, while I'm trying to find a way that I approve of, to remove scenes that will cut it down - or, God forbid, hack away at edits - I came up with a wild idea. I'm not going to tell you what it is, yet, because it will be one massive surprise, if I manage to pull it off. But, it means that while I still need to do a FINAL edit of the book, I will be submitting it somewhere, as is. I have my fingers crossed it's what they're looking for.
As for other works...I've had a look and it appears Shadow and Shade isn't being read at the moment (?) so I'll be taking it down. I've finally gotten round to doing my intense edits on the series it was slotted into and I'm going to be submitting it to a publisher within the next 3 months. (I say 2, because I still have other work to finish, plus I need to type up my edits made this last month, and that all takes time)
For now, I'll be removing Shadow and Shade, as Wattpad is still considered "published" and no publisher would allow it to remain up, while being part of a published series.
As for other work...I'm ticking along. Working on edits for the last few books of Surviving Vihaan, so I hope that means once my editor has them, Book 2 will be published. I've got big plans for Paper Love, and Shadow and Shade will experience a massive make-over in my trilogy Of Gods and Kings, so keep an eye out for that. I'm also hoping to revamp the Evanders trilogy into a YA novel, some time this year.
Keep your fingers crossed for me (and for Paper Love!)