
          	Good day, dear readers!
          	Well, first of all I'd like to wish you all lots of success and health, aside from recommending you to drink lots of water 
          	I want to apologize so bad for remaining absent for so, so long. I got to admit that my life is changing and I made the decision (a personal one) of focusing my attention to my academics. In case you like gossips: I'm currently on my 6th semester of Computer Engineering. So the next semesters I'm going to make big changes to straight up my life, and that's keeping me kind of busy.
          	I didn't leave Wattpad due to lack of time, but to take little, personal projects off my chest so proficiency affairs wouldn't be too overwhelming. However, I still got that pang that tells me to conclude what I started.
          	First, I want to let you know that I've finished writing Ava's Diary (now known as "Milton V: 5 sights tearing me apart"), buuut with two buts: it is only available in Spanish and in Amazon, so anyone willing to buy it will get to read it. You can find the link in my profile's description.
          	Second, I'll be focusing on rereading my own stories so I can finish writing the one remaining: The Daisy: the Fifth Miracle. Aside from the fact that I'm going to need a little patience from you to translate the story to English.
          	And third, I cannot promise you to actually write a second book of the story Dolphin's Heart. This is because of changes that happened to me during the pandemic due to COVID-19. However, I'll keep you in touch with updates so that story doesn't drift away.
          	That would be all, guys. You'll be receiving some notifications from me these days (I hope).
          	By the way, I'm really glad to know that many of you are still with me (I can tell by your comments on my books —yes, I read them —).
          	Take good care and keep drinking water ❤️


@Elan_Ruiz Take as much time as you needed! ^^ 


@Azereon Thank you, Azereon. Glad to have you around here 


@Elan_Ruiz ah, no worries take your time, there's no rush just glad to have you back honestly. And I also wish you good luck in college btw


          Good day, dear readers!
          Well, first of all I'd like to wish you all lots of success and health, aside from recommending you to drink lots of water 
          I want to apologize so bad for remaining absent for so, so long. I got to admit that my life is changing and I made the decision (a personal one) of focusing my attention to my academics. In case you like gossips: I'm currently on my 6th semester of Computer Engineering. So the next semesters I'm going to make big changes to straight up my life, and that's keeping me kind of busy.
          I didn't leave Wattpad due to lack of time, but to take little, personal projects off my chest so proficiency affairs wouldn't be too overwhelming. However, I still got that pang that tells me to conclude what I started.
          First, I want to let you know that I've finished writing Ava's Diary (now known as "Milton V: 5 sights tearing me apart"), buuut with two buts: it is only available in Spanish and in Amazon, so anyone willing to buy it will get to read it. You can find the link in my profile's description.
          Second, I'll be focusing on rereading my own stories so I can finish writing the one remaining: The Daisy: the Fifth Miracle. Aside from the fact that I'm going to need a little patience from you to translate the story to English.
          And third, I cannot promise you to actually write a second book of the story Dolphin's Heart. This is because of changes that happened to me during the pandemic due to COVID-19. However, I'll keep you in touch with updates so that story doesn't drift away.
          That would be all, guys. You'll be receiving some notifications from me these days (I hope).
          By the way, I'm really glad to know that many of you are still with me (I can tell by your comments on my books —yes, I read them —).
          Take good care and keep drinking water ❤️


@Elan_Ruiz Take as much time as you needed! ^^ 


@Azereon Thank you, Azereon. Glad to have you around here 


@Elan_Ruiz ah, no worries take your time, there's no rush just glad to have you back honestly. And I also wish you good luck in college btw


          ¡Buen día, queridos lectores!
          Bueno, primero que nada quiero saludarlos y desearles éxito y mucho salud en su vida, además de recomendarles tomar mucha agüita 
          Quiero ofrecerles una gran disculpa por durar tanto tiempo ausente. Debo confesar que mi vida está cambiando y me vi en la necesidad (personal) de enfocar mi tiempo en mis estudios. Por si les gusta el chismesito: actualmente estoy cursando el 6to semestre de Ingeniería en Computación. Así que en estos semestres necesito comenzar a mover piezas clave en mi vida, y eso me ha tenido ocupado.
          No me alejé de Wattpad por falta de tiempo, sino para quitarme proyectos personales de encima para que los asuntos profesionales no fueran tan abrumadores. Sin embargo, aún tengo esta espinita de concluir lo que comencé.
          Primero, les platico que ya terminé de escribir El diario de Ava (ahora bajo el nombre de "Milton V: 5 miradas desgarrándome"), peeeero decidí tener esa novela viviendo en Amazon, para el disfrute de quien esté dispuesto a comprarla. La pueden encontrar en la descripción de mi perfil.
          Segundo, me enfocaré a releer mis propias historias para escribir la que me falta: La margarita: el quinto milagro. Además de que me puedan tener paciencia para traducir la historia al inglés.
          Y tercero, no puedo prometer escribir una secuela del libro Corazón de delfín. Esto por cambios en mi vida debido a la pandemia por COVID-19. Sin embargo, yo los mantendré al tanto; no quisiera dejar la historia en el limbo.
          Eso sería todo, chicos. Estos días (espero) recibirán una que otra notificación de mí.
          Por cierto, me alegra que varios todavía siguen aquí conmigo (me doy cuenta en los comentarios a mis novelas —sí los leo —).
          Cuídense mucho y sigan tomando agüita ❤️


@ Elan_Ruiz  Lo importante ahora es que te tomes tu tiempo aún que si voy a extrañar "corazón de delfín" 


@Elan_Ruiz tu tranquilo todos estamos ocupados y necesitamos tiempo


@ Elan_Ruiz  


HOLA! ¿Cómo te encuentras? Espero que bien y que muy pronto podamos volver a leerte :') 
          Realmente he tenido una duda con respecto al libro de "corazón de delfín" y es que hasta el día de hoy tengo el remordimiento de saber que es lo que pasará en el transcurso de la historia; ¿Habrá algún chance para que se continúe en algún momento?


(English): Good day, readers! Just wanted to drop by for a little update. Well, my semester is just one week left to be over, and y'know, every end of any semester is such a pain in the ass. Anyway, I'm getting rid of many subjects and catching back my breath haha.
          I also wanted to apologize for all these comments and messages you've been sending to me. I'm replying all of them during these days (most of them).
          Also I wanted to say that during these little breaks I had along the semester, I started writing a more personal novel. I'm actually liking a lot how is turning out to be, so much that I'd love to share it with you <3 For more details, it's a remake of my story Chica's Diary. I can guarantee it's way better OwO. I'll be posting it during these days too, as I'm deleting Chica's Diary.
          Just a tiny warning: the novel I'm writing has nothing to do with FNAF. You'll know more about it in its synopsis :3
          I'm so glad to be back with you, friends and friendas. After publishing my novel, I'll start writing The Daisy: the Fifth Miracle at last!
          That's all for now. Have a nice day ✨


@Elan_Ruiz Oh nice, good to hear from you again


@Elan_Ruiz oOoOO now you've peeked my interest, wonder what's the novel gonna be like. Also welcome back 


(Spanish): ¡Buen día, lectores! Quería pasar rapidito por aquí para ponerlos al tanto de lo que está pasando. Pues ya nada más falta una semana del semestre, y los fines de semestre siempre son una locura. En fin, varias materias ya se están terminando y ya me está volviendo el alma al cuerpo jaja.
          Les pido disculpas por no responder a ninguno de los mensajes y comentarios que me han regalado. Durante estos días voy a estar respondiéndolos todos (o la mayoría).
          También les comento que en algunos ratos libres que tuve durante el semestre me dediqué a escribir una novela más personal. La verdad es que me está gustando mucho el resultado que me gustaría compartirla con ustedes <3 Para mayores detalles, es un remake de mi historia El diario de Chica. Les aseguro que está mucho mejor OwO. La estaré publicando estos días igual, así como eliminaré la historia El diario de Chica.
          Una mini advertencia: la novela que estoy escribiendo no se relaciona con FNAF. Podrán saber los detalles en la sinopsis :3
          Me da mucho gusto poder volver con ustedes, chicas y chicos. Después de publicar mi novela, comenzaré La margarita: el quinto milagro ¡por fin!
          Eso sería todo por ahora. Tengan un buen día ✨


@Elan_Ruiz cualquier cosa q saques dejara la boca abierta. De casualidad hay alguna red social en la que se te pueda seguir aparte de Wattpad?


@Ste_Men1 Graciaas jeje. A decir verdad no he trabajo como tal en una continuación. Más adelante les comentaré de eso.


@Marco_OwO ¡Gracias! ✨ Ya merito termino


hello, i just wanted to know if ur ever gonna make a second book to dolphins heart? no rush of course, i loved the book❤️ .


@Elan_Ruiz okay, thank you so much!!


@kaitlynbutdumb Hey there! I've been kinda busy with some other stuff that I haven't really thought about a second one. I'm gonna tell you about this soon, k? And I'm glad you liked it ✨


Hello I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you doing right now, i read your daisy story and to me you truly captured the essence of FANF and I don't know what to say, the story was very touching and you truly made the characters feel so real, I love your works and I hope you continue to make more,you truly made a masterpiece and I want to say is your and amazing and talented person and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/or night.


@Elan_Ruiz yeah I'll be waiting and if it's too much don't push yourself to,I know it can be hard to make these type of content, especially the way you, organize everything the plot and storyline aswell the way you write your stories can be exhausting to think about at times, So take your time to make your stories an don't forget to take care of yourself aswell


@DarkPride90 Aww thank you so much ☺️✨✨ I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed my story. And sure you'll find more content soon around here. Just let me catch my breath and I'll be back .
            I hope I can still have you around here for more! ✨


@DarkPride90 oh sorry I misspelled FNAF 


Ok nunca soy de comentar aqui pero honestamente ya leí ambas historias de la margarita y al recordar todo, dios no puedo expresarlo son dos libros tan buenos con una exelente narrativa e incluso he pensado más de una vez "rayos como esto no esta en físico realmente lo compraría al instante" es algo genial y sobre todo interesante, así como le das un toque a esa narrativa que no se me encanta absolutamente todo gracias por escribir estas exelentes y fascinantes historias 


@MarioHatsune01 ¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario! ✨ Y es verdad: yo también quisiera que estuvieran en físico jaja. Pero estoy feliz de que aún pueda llegar a ustedes mis historias. Te agradezco muchos tus palabras ✨ Siempre son muy motivacionales para seguir trabajando duro.
            Graciaas de nuevo ✨❤️