
Huh, so I own this account now? Cool. Can't wait to tell Tiff about this.


Y'know, I almost quit here 'cause I was bored af nad lost all motivation to come here anymore. I also lost what little faith in humanity I had left. For those of you that don't care or are much too impatient to listen to my rant, you are free to go. If you're still here, it means you actually care. Moving on, the reason I lost my faith is because of someone I once loved. We decided to make it official and label ourselves as "together". One day, I decided to trust her enough to tell her what I really was. Her and her friend offered to take me to NYC when they went after they graduated HS. A few days later, she disappeared. I haven't heard from her since. This was a coulple moths ago. I believe it was about 6-7 moths ago. I don't really blame her for abandoning me, I blame myself for being stupid enough to allow myself to trust her enough to share such valuable information. I still read her stories because what can I say? She's an amazing author. I desperately wanted to hate them with a passion, btu my bibliophobic personality won out on me.


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So... this is what she saw? I never posted this shit. I would never post something like this. Ever. Who the fuck? I'm so beyond done. Great. Just fucking great.


@Random_chinks Your book is good, I'm just not into that type of book. More of a horror, gore, mystery, action reader. I think it's really good, so I'm going to give you a little advice: you have to write books that appeal to your audience. If you've got your heart set on this, find a group of people who're interested in it, I can guarantee they'll love it. [Wow I sound cocky, don't I? I don't mean to come off that way,  I just learned from experience.