
Do you guys enjoy long chapters? Since I have some time in my hands I can finally write while following the anime and adding original scenes. I just have so many ideas I want to put in my Komi story that I want to focus on that for a bit. So look forward for the next update.


Hey, Wolfy 


@Elder_Wolf23 WOLFY HIII
            -The Autistic One


You ever gonna update or did you quit watching wattpad?


@Dannypatino23 I haven't had the time to write. 


Hi Elder_Wolf your Haikyuu story rules and it was so excited to see Kazyua getting to Play at last!!! So my only question is when will Kazuya play? I want to see more of this action. And it's like a perfect rush for me for a distraction from depression  since my dad has surgery during this week of Thanksgiving. And this story is perfect for me to be positive for when my dad comes home from the hospital and smile with him. I hope this to see it soon. Thank you very much.


@Elder_Wolf23  thank you very much Elder_ Wolf I'm looking forward for the anticipation with patient and bless you for prayers towards  my dad and his operation it really so much for me and my dad.


@CobaltGundam50 Hi I'm glad you like my story. I already have a draft of the next chapter but can't really find the time to write. I pray that your dad gets better. Kazuya will play just have to wait abit until I reach that part of the story. I already have something in mind on how I will write that chapter 


Do you guys enjoy long chapters? Since I have some time in my hands I can finally write while following the anime and adding original scenes. I just have so many ideas I want to put in my Komi story that I want to focus on that for a bit. So look forward for the next update.


Hey guys, so I decided to mark my stories as complete so that it will not be deleted. I worked hard in making those stories so I don't want it to be deleted. As for the next chapter, I have it in my drafts so I might resume writing it tomorrow hopefully just gotta find better wifi.
          Sorry for the lack of updates. Just focusing on my life right now since I am now finally graduating from college next Friday. 


Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. I just have been focused on our research and our defense is tomorrow. I will eventually write the next chapter and skipping a few episodes in my Haikyuu story since I want it to focus on Kazuya's journey with Kiyoko. Komi will also be continuing. Hope you guys understand and wish me luck.


I have been thinking about this for a while and I thought that maybe I should mix Disney and Anime when writing my stories and wanted to my writing style a bit. For my Kiyoko x Kazuya story, I'm gonna continue writing like that as to not make you guys confuse but changing when writing a new book.