
Dear friends, Part 3 is released on Wattpad. 
          	I can safely say those are the most difficult chapters that I'll ever write. But there is a scene in this part that you'll love. I am sure. 
          	Part 3 is 11000+ words. It is very long. I thought that I would finish completely by writing 10000 words and instead, only Part 3 is more than that. 
          	Dare I say that Part 4 will be the last one? Will see...
          	Most possibly, we will have Part 4 and Part 5. To expand and cover everyone's closure. 
          	But for now, I want to thank you so very much for being here with me. Writing is a lonely endeavour. To know that I can share this story with friends that love reading it, it means the world to me. So thank you all. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do it. 
          	I hug you for now, and I hope to be back soon with one more Part of the final chapter for the Scarlet Rose. ❤


Thank you my dear Eleanna, for all your dedication and care you put into your stories❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for doing this☺️ Great job.


@EleannnaS im trying but dont know how long i ll wait without spoiler... my poor heart. I so wanted terry to kill that biatch of beatriz... but noooo! Mister i decide everything myself richard had to intervene . I bloody hate him x everything... and i hope u exploring d idea of having richard answering terrys question sooner or later... maybe in d end.  Do it x me hun, please....   hugs pet xxxx


Dear friends, Part 3 is released on Wattpad. 
          I can safely say those are the most difficult chapters that I'll ever write. But there is a scene in this part that you'll love. I am sure. 
          Part 3 is 11000+ words. It is very long. I thought that I would finish completely by writing 10000 words and instead, only Part 3 is more than that. 
          Dare I say that Part 4 will be the last one? Will see...
          Most possibly, we will have Part 4 and Part 5. To expand and cover everyone's closure. 
          But for now, I want to thank you so very much for being here with me. Writing is a lonely endeavour. To know that I can share this story with friends that love reading it, it means the world to me. So thank you all. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do it. 
          I hug you for now, and I hope to be back soon with one more Part of the final chapter for the Scarlet Rose. ❤


Thank you my dear Eleanna, for all your dedication and care you put into your stories❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much for doing this☺️ Great job.


@EleannnaS im trying but dont know how long i ll wait without spoiler... my poor heart. I so wanted terry to kill that biatch of beatriz... but noooo! Mister i decide everything myself richard had to intervene . I bloody hate him x everything... and i hope u exploring d idea of having richard answering terrys question sooner or later... maybe in d end.  Do it x me hun, please....   hugs pet xxxx


Hi dear friends! Part 3 of the Scarlet Rose ending is done. Will it be the penultimate "chapter"? I'll have to wait and see what comes next in my mind. 
          But for now, since my routine for years has been to read the chapter first with my dear friend Nadia, before I release it to Wattpad, while I also correct my grammar mistakes (the ones I pick anyhow), it is now late in Greece and the reading has been postponed for tomorrow. 
          Thus, I will release the chapter tomorrow also on Wattpad. So I wish you for now a good night and see you all tomorrow evening (UK time). ❤


Thanks Eleanna❤️


@EleannnaS ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Australia77 Oh!! Thank you my dear!! See you in the evening (UK time, lol!). Have a lovely week! Hugs! xxxx ❤


Querid@s amig@s, me tomo un breve descanso para informarles que para aquellos de ustedes que también siguen la edición en español de Scarlet Rose, el Capítulo 71 ya está en Wattpad, listo para que lo lean. 
          ¡Gracias como siempre a mis queridas amigas @AnnethWhite y Nuria Márquez Almuiña por su continuo apoyo y sus magníficas traducciones! Estaré eternamente en deuda con ambos. ❤
          Y gracias a tod@s los que leen esta historia y por sus comentarios que nos hacen seguir adelante. Espero que disfrutes leyendo el Capítulo 71 en español. Como dije, la trama se complica mientras Terry y Candy viven su amor en la isla de Barra. 
          ¡Un gran abrazo de mi parte! ❤


Hi everyone! Since it is Friday evening, I want to let you know that I will be publishing on Sunday one more part of the Scarlet Rose ending. I always underestimate how much I have to write to reach the end. I estimate that by Sunday I will have reached 10000 words and I would have only written half of the scenes I want to write. 
          So, because I realise that there is a lot of meat on the fire and every character awaits for their final scenes, I will publish on Sunday one more part and continue writing towards the ending. 
          Thank you all very very much for your patience and for being with me in those final parts of this very very long story. 
          Many hugs and I'll be back on Sunday to publish the penultimate (hopefully) chapter. ❤


@EleannnaS  Always my friend ❤️


@EleannnaS same here pet. Will drop a vocal soon. U the writer... ihihi    Enjoy ur wend  hun! Xxx


@Yovva123 Thank you for being here my dear Yovania! ❤️


Dear friends, Part 2 for the last chapter of the Scarlet Rose is up on Wattpad. 
          Thank you all so much for your love and support for this story! Terry and Candy are coming face to face with what took place in London, just the previous night... 
          Part 3, I hope to publish either next Sunday, or the Sunday after that. Reason being that I need to write two endings and I want to publish them at the same time. 
          Currently, I am underway, writing the final part. 
          For now, I wish you all a lovely Sunday and I send a big hug to everyone. I hope you "enjoy" reading Part 2. ❤


@ EleannnaS  I'm SO nervous because you use that quotation marks


@AdiMorris4 Thank you my dear Adi!! It's going to become worse, before it turns good. There was going to be the shock of finding out, unfortunately. The ending of the story rests on Christian's shoulders...


@ EleannnaS  thank you dear Eleanna, Im anxious 


Dear friends, I hope you are having a lovely Sunday! 
          As promised, Part 1 of the final chapter of the Scarlet Rose is up on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy reading. 
          Thank you once again for being here with me, on this journey which is coming up to a close. Thank you for all your comments from yesterday! I haven't had the time to reply to them all, but I will soon. 
          I wish you all a lovely week ahead and a big hug from me! ❤


@EleannnaS, the happy dance was in reference to a conversation we held a long time ago,  the next story
            Happy dreams 


Part 2 is also finished. I’ll upload next Sunday again. ❤️


@unni76 I’m just about to go to bed but I want to thank you for your comments my dear friend! I’m very happy you liked Part 1. ❤️ but why are you doing a happy dance? For the state of the Duke’s guest? 


Hi dear friends! I hope you enjoy your Saturday. ❤
          The time has slowly come to end the Scarlet Rose. 
          The interlude I have posted on Wattpad tonight marks exactly what the title says: "The beginning of the end". 
          It is only a small "chapter", if you want to call it that. 
          I will start publishing the final chapter from tomorrow evening with Part 1. Then the Sunday after, I will post Part 2, and the Sunday after that (in two weeks from now), hopefully, you'll get Part 3. 
          Thank you for hanging on in there and I hope the ride isn't too bumpy. A very big hug from me! ❤


@EleannnaS Hey love! I know i know... the title was self explanatory! FINALLY THE END... FINALLY  ''MY'' end..ihihih
            Thanks so much x this saga, amazing and breath taking altogether.. so super taleneted dear!!!


@Valierak70 Hi my dear Val! First part will be posted tomorrow evening. I hope you enjoy reading! ❤


Querid@s amig@s, el Capítulo 70 está listo para que lo lean. ¿El paraíso terrenal en la isla de Barra continúa? ❤
          Gracias a todos por su paciencia y por seguir esta historia. Por todos tus comentarios que te tomas el tiempo de escribir, ¡te lo agradezco mucho! Los leo todos y me llenan de alegría.
          Gracias a mis queridas amigas Anneth White y Nuria Márquez Almuiña por continuar con su épico trabajo de traducción. ¡No puedo pedir mejores amigos!
          ¡Espero que todos disfruten leyendo! ¡Un gran abrazo de mi parte! ❤


Dear friends, 
          If you ask to be included in the Scarlet Rose group on Facebook, please answer the questions that I have added before I accept you. Those of you who don't answer the question, won't be accepted in the group. I am doing this so I know that you have read the story. 
          Many thanks! 


@Australia77 Hi my dear! Yes, your email never reached my inbox. It's not on my junk folder either. But don't fret. Any time you have 5 minutes free, I'll be happy to hear from you. <3


@EleannnaS dammit... i wrote it and got bloody deleted by my iph while sending it... i cant find it anywhere!!  But was sure it was sent... sp sorry dear-  will rewrite soon.  :(


@EleannnaS hun, i responded straight away. Maybe check ur junk folder? I ll resend it anyway. ;)


Dear friends, 
          For those of you who use Facebook, you are welcome to join the Scarlet Rose group. I have created that group a long time now, to chat with friends who have read the story and also to share news and images that inspire me during the writing of this story. I kept it fairly private but I extend the invitation to join the group, for those of you who are still following the Scarlet Rose and want to know more while waiting for the final chapter. 
          For those of you who don't use Facebook, I will create a topic here, to share with you material that is related to the Scarlet Rose. 
          You can find the FB group, here: 
          For those of you who have started reading the story and haven't reach the final chapters, please be aware if you want to join the FB group, there will be spoilers. 
          Many hugs


@EleannnaS Ευχαριστώ πολύ!! Καλώς σας βρήκα!! Ανυπομονώ κι εγώ για τη συνέχεια της ιστορίας!! <3


@13TONIAD Καλησπέρα Τόνια! Είσαι στο γκρουπ! Καλως ήρθες!


@EleannnaS Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την ενημέρωση!! Έχω ήδη υποβάλλει αίτημα συμμετοχής!!