
This is when I must say goodbye


I am so confused. It is like I am in a battle with my sexuality and my gender. However, I am holding off the gender thing for now. But like I thought I was pan for almost a year and now I am devoured in research. Like I might be pan but I might be bi or maybe I am a lesbian. Like, can I like girls as a lesbian but still find men hot? I wouldn't date them or anything like that. I don't know right now. HELP


@EleanorRigby42 hi, gender and sexuality can be really confusing. I’m a lesbian, however I still find some men hot but I would never want to date one :)


@EleanorRigby42 I totally get how you feel, there are days where I’m into girls, there are days when I’m into guys, and there are days that I’m disgusted by guys...
            Idfk what to think anymore, but I don’t plan of dating anyone anyway, so it doesn’t bother me too much


I think I am lesbian or something like that please help


Help me please!!!! Still on a crisis


@ EleanorRigby42  if you don't know if they support you or not then drop hints or just ask what they think about different sexualitys and see how they react that way you may be able to tell if they support you or not.