Guys, I don't know if you noticed this too but
In 'How sweet' first and second live performances, Haerin and Minji looked so so so gay... especially Haerin. She used to do these gay-ish tomboyish smirks and winks. (I have a video of it but I can't post it here ughhhh)
But from the third performance, they stopped doing the gay-ish vibe, as if they're being told to be a bit girly, you know? Ughhh I hate itt!!!! They looked sooo good when they do thaaat,,, I miss it so muchhh!!!!
(To be clear, the 1st performance was where Haerin wore a white oversized jersey? and Minji wore a white shirt and a white headband.
The 2nd performance was where Haerin wore oversized denim jacket and denim pants and she braided her hair,,, oh god she looked so damn haaattt,,, and her facial expression was gay af,,,,,, Minji wore a red t-shirt with a blue hat reversed)
I really wish they're back to being gay-ish again