
Hello everyone! I’m sorry for not updating, I promise you all I am working on the newest chapter and hope to put it out soon❤️
          	On top of my wedding, I am not dealing with personal issues. I hope you all understand. 
          	Can’t wait to continue on with my story and finish reading some of the wonderful books I started. 
          	Love you all so much. ❤️


Hello everyone! I’m sorry for not updating, I promise you all I am working on the newest chapter and hope to put it out soon❤️
          On top of my wedding, I am not dealing with personal issues. I hope you all understand. 
          Can’t wait to continue on with my story and finish reading some of the wonderful books I started. 
          Love you all so much. ❤️


Hello my beautiful readers!
          I’m so sorry for not updating, wedding planning has been KILLING ME. I get married on Saturday, after that I’m going to be MUCH more active!! Thank you for being understanding and patient:)  Sooo much more craziness to come in the upcoming chapters! I don’t think y’all are ready hehe. 
          Love you all!!
          -Viv :)


It’s okay my baby!!! Love you❤️❤️❤️


Hitting 1k reads on Restricted… Words can’t even begin to describe how thankful I am for each and every one of my readers.  Thank you all for taking this crazy journey with me and helping me bring my fanfiction to life.  Couldn’t have done it without all of you.  It’s nowhere near over, in fact it’s only just begun!
          Love you all to the moon and back✨




Hello everyone!✨ Due to wedding planning and having a horrible Sinus infection, Chapter 20 will be released next week! I’m so sorry to all of my amazing readers and I hope you understand!  I’ll try to put out two chapters next week to make up for it! 
          Love you all so much and I hope you understand✨


My beautiful readers!I don’t want you to think I forgot about you all. My book is still ongoing and will continue!  I know I promised a new chapter by tonight, but sadly my wedding planning took over and tomorrow I have laser eye surgery. I will be recovering for a few days and after that I will put out my new chapter. Again I apologize to all of you, I appreciate every one of you for being patient and promise the new chapter will be out as soon as I can
          Hope you all understand.  Love you all to the moon and back✨


@Cornel1a_ love you so much coco❤️✨


Love you Viv!!!❤️


Hello my loves!!! Sorry I haven’t updated Restricted, my wedding is next month and I’ve been absolutely drowning in wedding planning But I’m hoping to get the next chapter out by tonight if not tomorrow! Thank you all for being so patient and kind!


@Cornel1a_ love you sm coco with lazic tomorrow I’m really trying to get it out by tonight 


@ElectricRaver It's okay baby!!! Take some time for yourself❤️