
Honestly the temptation to go back and edit those stories I wrote in creative writing class is s t r o n g. They are not as good as I thought they were.


@Electroboy09 I still think they're quite good tho 


Honestly the temptation to go back and edit those stories I wrote in creative writing class is s t r o n g. They are not as good as I thought they were.


@Electroboy09 I still think they're quite good tho 


Hey all! It's been quite a while. I'll get right to the point.
          First off, a few of you may know of my old deleted story, Love Won't Fail Us. If anyone is still wondering about that steaming pile of garbage, don't worry. I have the draft and every story note saved to Scrivener. I was stuck in a rut with that story for months, and really needed a break from it. This brings me to my next point.
          I posted my first fanfiction to AO3. Originally, I had it posted here, but it was picking up steam MUCH faster on AO3, so I just deleted it here and linked my account in my updated bio. It's the latest work written by me, and personally, I believe it's leaps and bounds better than anything here and more accurately reflects my current skills as a writer and editor.
          Speaking of editing, my latest project is editing a story written by my good friend, @Eliz_a13. Her story, Saudade, is what I'm solely working on editing until I have an idea for my next project.
          That's all I have to say. If you've read this far, thank you so much for sticking with me.


Hey, y'all. I decided to publish some of the short stories 'n stuff that I've written in Creative Writing class. Honestly, I'm really proud of most of the stuff in there. Hope you guys take a few minutes to look through it. Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to go through everything in there currently. Feedback appreciated as always.


@Zinemanon Thanks so much! I was happy to wake up to 12 Wattpad notifications, all from you XD


@Electroboy09 Reading it was worth it! You are rightfully proud of them, they are amazing! 


This loser is under my protection


So after a couple of weeks of procrastinating, I finally got to working on my book for a bit. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be changed, so I'll be going into more detail as to what I'll be changing and what I'll keep the same.
          First off, I think I said this already, I'll be changing up some of the characters. I changed the names of characters that weren't originally mine (and then some) and I plan to rework the whole cast to an extent, redefining their personalities while keeping them similar enough so the plot still, y'know, makes sense. Here's the whole cast, side characters 'n all.
          Edward (was Gavin)
          Julian (was Ryan)
          Jackie (was Riley)
          Ewan (was Mint)
          Gavin (was Donovan)
          Bailey (was Alex)
          Lucas (was Jackson)
          These are all the characters I have named, grouped by family. Some of these characters will likely not be relevant to this story, but who knows? There may be a sequel coming eventually.
          *hint hint*
          The plot should stay about the same. I don't know If I want to rewrite the whole thing or just write the rest and edit the parts already finished (plz help I don't know what to do).
          One more thing I may change is the title. When we first started working on this story, we had no idea what to call it. I just threw out a name and we were like, "Yeah, that's good enough," and went with it. Now that I'm working on it solo with only my characters and have full control, I'll probably change it to something else.
          Well, this was just another long announcement, but I don't wanna keep y'all in the dark about this. Let me know what you guys think about the new names. I'm open to suggestions (because I suck with names).
          Actually, any suggestions PERIOD are welcome. This is a huge project, so I want it to be the best it can.


Hey, everyone. It's been a long time since I last made an announcement of any kind. I'm here now to explain why.
          First, you may have noticed one big thing: my story, Love Won't Fail Us, is gone.
          Now, don't jump to any conclusions just yet. It is deleted from Wattpad, yes, BUT I do have the entire thing safely saved on Google Drive. I have a few reasons as to why I did this.
          For one thing, I really haven't been writing at all this summer. A few days after summer break began, I spent about 10 minutes and wrote an entire 2 sentences. Haven't written or even looked at my story since then. I just lost all my motivation to write. Additionally, after some stuff in my personal life that has happened since this story first began back in August of 19, it just doesn't feel right having all these other people's OCs in my story. On top of all of that, looking back, I can't say I'm very proud of this story overall. And most importantly, thinking about my story, how long it's been since I last wrote, how long I've kept everyone waiting, all of it just stresses me out.
          So, what's my solution? Take it down, for the time being. This can give me time to write, time to plan, time to re-work anything and everything I want. All without any pressure, stress, or embarrassment. 
          I wanna make some big changes. For one, most of the names of the characters will be changed. I want them all to be my own. Their personalities should remain relatively the same, but I may change some of that a bit, as well. 
          Basically, I plan on finishing the first draft, going through the entire thing and editing it, then publishing it all at once when I finish. It'll be an all-new product. One that, hopefully, I'll actually be proud of.
          If you've read this far, thank you. If you gave of your time to check out my story, thank you. If you were one of the seven readers who made it to my latest chapter  #16), THANK YOU. And if you were one of the people that offered me feedback and constructive criticism, THANK YOU!


           <) )\
            /  \
          *struts in fashionably late*
          I have arrived.
          Perfect entrance aside, VERY sorry for how late this last upload was. I've been struggling with a lack of motivation to write lately (mostly been distracting myself playing BotW, lol). Aside from that, it felt SO good to get this latest chapter posted. I end up writing, like, half of it over the past few hours; hope it was at least somewhat worth it and not too sloppy. Also, my "Ideas... Please?" Book didn't end up how I wanted, so that's gonna be deleted. IN ITS PLACE, however, I will make a book of random stuff.
          The first part will be out soon.
          See y'all soon.
          Also here's a couple of OwOs I stole from @Zinemanon & @ITXEnigmaXTI
          OwO owo OwO


@Electroboy09 Not my OwO's
            I searched everywhere but I forgot to look at one spot...
            You fool!
            You're gonna regret this!


@Electroboy09 >:O So THIS is where you put MY OWOS?!? GIMMIE! *steals OwOs*