
Hello  if your reading this thank you and I'm sorry. Thank you because you support my books that i write and being a follower supporting me and sorry but i think i will stop writing for a few months and recover because a few weeks ago i found out that i am diagnosed with tuberculosis although I already felt this before june ends but i thought it was something else and days passed i finally i went to the doctors and that's when I found out and for some of you who don't know what that is let's just say it's very deadly bacteria that attacks any part of people's body. I know some of you may find it weird that I'm sharing this telling about my life it's because you are my friends even though we never meet. I hope you readers understand and remember to take care of yourself. I may or may not come back but i will just leave my books untouched and recover quickly and will come back if i am health already 


Hello  if your reading this thank you and I'm sorry. Thank you because you support my books that i write and being a follower supporting me and sorry but i think i will stop writing for a few months and recover because a few weeks ago i found out that i am diagnosed with tuberculosis although I already felt this before june ends but i thought it was something else and days passed i finally i went to the doctors and that's when I found out and for some of you who don't know what that is let's just say it's very deadly bacteria that attacks any part of people's body. I know some of you may find it weird that I'm sharing this telling about my life it's because you are my friends even though we never meet. I hope you readers understand and remember to take care of yourself. I may or may not come back but i will just leave my books untouched and recover quickly and will come back if i am health already 


Something is happening to my Wattpad hmm... My drafts keeps on vanishing I need to write It all over again.


@ ElegantSwan37  No problem :)


@EXO-jjang thankyou I tried it and it worked thankyou very much ☺️


@ ElegantSwan37   I usually quit wattpad and then, come back to the page, usually it works. Hope it helps...