36 followers! Time goes so fast. I remember when I had only one follower, five months ago, and now thanks to all of you I feel like I have gained a lot of support, which I am really appreciative of.
When I have had a bad day, or when I am alone at home, browsing through Wattpad, I see all the notifications from you guys and I feel ecstatic!
The point of this is to say thank you. I genuinely appreciate the support that I have gained over the past five months! It would take too long to mention you all here by name, but I remember every one of you when I look up at the part of my screen that says how many followers I have.
Feel free to say hi any time, whether it be here on my message board, on the private messaging, or anywhere else on Wattpad!
Have a wonderful night/day!
ElementOfShadows - No Eyebrows