
Intuitive intelligence sees everything differently 
          	Emotions? They are not there. Moreover, a person must pass through death emotionally to his intuitive intelligence in general be able to work. Because emotions are most similar to the crowd of screaming scandalists. Sometimes emotions are like a flock of screaming March cats. Sometimes emotions are like a crowd of drunken brawlers. You may say is that everything so bad with emotions? .. Maybe it's just a low culture of emotions? Bad experiences? It may be wise to pass an educational training? No. Just emotions - this is a part of the consciousness that unites human with animals. Emotions are based on the right rear area of the brain, is an ancient brain. It is the brain that unites human with a gorilla, with a dog, even a shark. It is an ancient brain, which is a common place for humans and animals. And that's all.
          	You can train animals, and not all of them. Wild animals have their integrity, their emotional stability, and they are not trainable. They have a very tough emotional program.
          	What are emotions? What is, in general, emotion? This is the reaction of the sympathetic or parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which dictates the action on the situation. Shark need very little to be activated to attack if it sees an object large enough to serve as prey. Experiments have shown that if a swimmer wears a striped suit, he fused with the sea-view for sharks and does not cause in it any aggressive emotions, programming its attack.


Intuitive intelligence sees everything differently 
          Emotions? They are not there. Moreover, a person must pass through death emotionally to his intuitive intelligence in general be able to work. Because emotions are most similar to the crowd of screaming scandalists. Sometimes emotions are like a flock of screaming March cats. Sometimes emotions are like a crowd of drunken brawlers. You may say is that everything so bad with emotions? .. Maybe it's just a low culture of emotions? Bad experiences? It may be wise to pass an educational training? No. Just emotions - this is a part of the consciousness that unites human with animals. Emotions are based on the right rear area of the brain, is an ancient brain. It is the brain that unites human with a gorilla, with a dog, even a shark. It is an ancient brain, which is a common place for humans and animals. And that's all.
          You can train animals, and not all of them. Wild animals have their integrity, their emotional stability, and they are not trainable. They have a very tough emotional program.
          What are emotions? What is, in general, emotion? This is the reaction of the sympathetic or parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which dictates the action on the situation. Shark need very little to be activated to attack if it sees an object large enough to serve as prey. Experiments have shown that if a swimmer wears a striped suit, he fused with the sea-view for sharks and does not cause in it any aggressive emotions, programming its attack.


All the best in the world happens in maintaining the balance of the 4 types of intelligence 
          Intelligence - is not something that could add up quickly, it is something that has ancient roots. We appreciate the intelligence higher today than whatsoever. In the era of Internet national, geographic, social, age differences lose their value. Deepest things in which we can identify ourselves go to the main place. These are types of intelligence with their specific values ​​and competences.
          What do we know about intelligence and its roots? You can trace the development of intelligence, studying the history of activity. The main story of human activity described in the sacred books. Yes, sacred books describe patterns of activity, and how they were formed, isn't it? Human activity – it’s something essential and holistic, that is why its patterns are described in the sacred books.
          Okay. Have you ever thought about why there were written four Gospels? I thought a lot about it. I compared the texts of 4 Gospels to each other, to understand the difference. I consulted with spiritual people. Obviously, the 4 options of descriptions of the same events were written by people with different competences of perception, interpretation and presentation. They saw the same thing from different perspectives. Their brains worked differently. Their nervous system, their system of perception the information worked differently. And each of the four points of view has an equal right to exist. For some reason, it is very important and recognized as an important for thousands of years of human history.


A fairy tale "The Adventures of girl Aura in the country Internet" 
          I started to write a fairy tale "The Adventures of girl Aura in the country Internet." I'll be happy to bring you pleasure, in the first place!
          What is the aura of the human? It is not just the heart. This is not just another episode of life. This integrity, alive and moving. And so I'm moving in the direction to detect motions and record integrity as aura .. Character Aura was drawn by my pupil Kate, 16 years old. I dream to make living interactive cartoon environment for Aura and her friends, with a full range of options, as reality. This can be done by putting verbal formulas on the tree Eclipse, I with Lionel, my partner, did it at the base. Lionel did Eclipse. Where it will be possible to create all sorts of projects for children of all ages, adding sound and graphics on Eclipse... based on the values ​​on which we grew up. I want to use the best values ​​were generating and children to have access to the comprehension of our experience ... the experience of the 20th century .. The 21st century, all the best on and for what we grew up. What do you think about this?
          Here, the first chapter


Intelligence and competences of your audience 
          With the audience you need to speak the language of the audience, it's clear. As never before, now is the need to understand it literally.  You  have to speak, using the exact phrases. If you think it's important just to stimulate interest and arouse the desire to buy from you, you use your "special" way of persuasion - the rest is in God's hands – it’s not true, and you just clog up the client's mailbox.
          What used to be only in the hands of God, is given to you on today. This is so, every stage of development of mankind and its competences means that people are aware of the knowledge previously hidden and obscure for them. So, you begin to distinguish between the buyer and other buyer, you see there is a difference, which was previously not obvious to you. But now it is noticeable, and you can give new answers to the questions: What  to do? How to do? Which one? For what?
          Some of my observations about