All the best in the world happens in maintaining the balance of the 4 types of intelligence
Intelligence - is not something that could add up quickly, it is something that has ancient roots. We appreciate the intelligence higher today than whatsoever. In the era of Internet national, geographic, social, age differences lose their value. Deepest things in which we can identify ourselves go to the main place. These are types of intelligence with their specific values and competences.
What do we know about intelligence and its roots? You can trace the development of intelligence, studying the history of activity. The main story of human activity described in the sacred books. Yes, sacred books describe patterns of activity, and how they were formed, isn't it? Human activity – it’s something essential and holistic, that is why its patterns are described in the sacred books.
Okay. Have you ever thought about why there were written four Gospels? I thought a lot about it. I compared the texts of 4 Gospels to each other, to understand the difference. I consulted with spiritual people. Obviously, the 4 options of descriptions of the same events were written by people with different competences of perception, interpretation and presentation. They saw the same thing from different perspectives. Their brains worked differently. Their nervous system, their system of perception the information worked differently. And each of the four points of view has an equal right to exist. For some reason, it is very important and recognized as an important for thousands of years of human history.