
The Introduction and Character Aesthetics Of Always Been Yours is published! 
          	I am so excited to start this new journey and I hope the feeling can be mutual. 
          	This story is an experiment with my writing but I sincerely hope that it is better and an improvement to anything else that I have written. 
          	So, let us all buckle up and start this ride together ;)


The Introduction and Character Aesthetics Of Always Been Yours is published! 
          I am so excited to start this new journey and I hope the feeling can be mutual. 
          This story is an experiment with my writing but I sincerely hope that it is better and an improvement to anything else that I have written. 
          So, let us all buckle up and start this ride together ;)


Hey Guys,
          UNTIL SHE WAS GONE has now reached its end. The journey I've gone through writing this book has been one of the most spectacular. 
          This is the only book I've ever finished by myself.
           I, infact, ate LOTS icecream at midnight, the moment I posted the last chapter. It was an accomplishment that deserved it anyway. 
          Those who have stayed through this journey till the end, I can't express my thanks. 
          This story was not perfect my any means, but it means a whole world to me. 
          So a huge thank you to you all. 
          The next story will be up next year, probably. Its going to be a cute teenage highschool story, without the dark elements that I added to until She Was Gone. I've never tried a story like it, so lets see how it turns out ;)
          So then, I'll see you all in the next story. For now, farewell from the deepest parts of the moon. 


@BangtanVedika7  lol yess. Me too! :)


@Elentiya2007 omg what a lot of icecreams waiting for the teenage highschool story !


Hey Guys...Small Announcement
          I have deleted one of my stories, The Firebird. I couldn't stand it just being there and me not writing for it. I don't think that story will ever come back now. 
          I didn't think I put ALL my hard work into it and I have no more motivation to continue it. 
          I'm sorry to all my readers who liked the Firebird ( not so many) 
          Anyways thats all I wanted to say!
          P.S -- GUYSS UNTIL SHE WAS GONE IS REACHING ITS END. Ahhh I'm so excited. But also sad cuz I'll be leaving these characters. 
          There are just a few chapters left... And I'll assure you now, no more kidnappers and murders and betrayals. 
          Let's have some happy time again ;)


1K views on Until She Was Gone!! 
          Ahhhhh. My heart is BURSTING with joy. 
          I love you all reading my story and hope you're having an amazing time. All of you are THE BEST <3
          I hope you know that I am so very grateful. Writing is my dream, and YOU all are my motivation to keep going. 
          Thank you sooo so much!
          Do Vote and Comment along the way so I know what y'all are thinking ;)
          Have Fun!!
          Again...a tremendous thanks to all of you. :)


Hey Guys, I just wanted to quickly make that small announcement that I've paused the Firebird for now. The story WILL be finished, just that for now, I think I'll be focusing on Until She Was Gone. So you're gonna have to wait a tiny bit for updates on there;) 
          Otherwise I hope you're having great day! <3


Hey Peoples, 'Until You Were Gone' has started. 
          I had planned the story a long time ago and I'm so happy to now be publishing it. This story is close to my heart, and even though it isn't the fantasy I would normally write, its one of my best. Maybe? 
          I needed to write something new, try something I never really appealed to. And this is my try.  So Enjoy!
          Vote and Comment along the way. I'd love to hear what ya'all have to say;)


Sword Of Tiberius is All Complete! I loved it as much as I loved Dreams of Madness. I've grown attached to these characters as much as I would in any book. It saddens me to leave them, but I gotta do it;) 
           Don't forget to follow @Willow0708 as she wrote this story along with me:) It was a great pleasure.  Do Vote and Comment along the way. ENJOY!