
Today was the best day I've had all year! It was a snowday!!! For those of you who don't know, a snowday is a day where it snows so hard, the roads are to dangerous to drive on, which means no school! I've had two naps so far, and started a new TV series. Best. Day. Ever.


Today was the best day I've had all year! It was a snowday!!! For those of you who don't know, a snowday is a day where it snows so hard, the roads are to dangerous to drive on, which means no school! I've had two naps so far, and started a new TV series. Best. Day. Ever.


Ok, so I and my family have been living in the same house for 13 years, right? Today was my last day there. I'm moving. I tried to force a smile when we left, but I felt like I was dying inside. I've lived in that house my entire life. Now I live at my friend's house while we renovate. I'm super sad right now, I think im going to cry. 


Ok, so everyone knows about the new Percy Jackson show coming out right? Well, if the auditions aren't too far from my home I might be able to audition! The Percy Jackson tv show! Me! That would be a dream come true. All I have to so now is bleach my hair and put in gray contacts and I'll look exactly like Annabeth! Hey, a girl can dream.