
'/Just thought of a starter where Pirphal gets waited and just ugly cries. He doesn't handle alcohol well. Brings out his many regrets and stuff he hasn't gotten over from his past. 


Two women and young child had found themselves lost in the woods, granted it was better that what they'd face in the town. The sisters had recently decided that it was time to go, people were getting too testy for them to safely stay. The eldest led the charge, a small white haired woman in her mid-twenties. In the middle was a red headed little girl. And at the back was a blonde who seemed to be in her early twenties.
          They considered themselves fortunate, if they were a bit lost and still trudging their way through, maybe the humans were absolutely screwed. It was either humans or demons after them, in all honesty it was so repetitive at this point. The demons found them and wanted to bring them home, or the humans thought Ezaeurs pigmentation (or lack there of), or her occupation was rooted in some sort of son or bad omen. By now they just didn't care, when there is an angry mob, you don't stop to ask why there all so angry.
          They kept going and going until they found a building, the girls sharing a glance before the eldest made her way forward to knock on the door. By now the youngest was hungry, and her other sister was starting to complain. Ezaeur was however stoic as she went to knock on the door in attempt to see if anyone was there, hoping that even if there wasn't her siblings would stop whining. 
          "Hello? Anyone?" She called out, knocking loudly for a moment. She used her free hand to tighten her cloak around her, sighing softly. They were tired by now, if nobody opened the door they'd probably set up in some clearing if they could find one.


"Well, if it sounds like a plan to you, I'm leaving in a day or so to go back home. You can either make use of this place to your heart's content. Or you could follow me. I wouldn't mind at all. I live in a place called the White Forest. No one ever goes there since it is so easy to get lost. If you'd like, I can show you a few paths if you ever needed to escape again." Sure, it was short notice, but at least be gave them options. He definitely didn't want them to be out a s in danger.
            He left them to enjoy their drinks and food as he settled down a little. He knew being on the run is a hard life to lead. He just wanted to give them some rest and maybe a way out they can use for a few years. "I mean, you can even visit me if you'd like." in all honesty, he'd like some company now and again. Being a hermit was a rather lonely life. The bird walked over to the table, carefully hopping into a chair as he rested next to the elf. Almost like he wanted to be part of the people sitting and talking in a way. 


            '/this app is so damn buggy. I thought I replied. 


'/I'm alive! I'll reply as soon as I can to all out standing rps. Just be patient please. Sorry for the long wait. 


» @ElfishMaster «
            ❥// It is no problem at all, don't worry too much. Just reply when you can and want to. Also, please make sure to rest as well as your health is more important than any rp.


'/Anyone else feel robbed having loved the Witcher games and no one else liked it, but now that it is a series everyone magically loves it?!
          Don't get me wrong, that actor is brilliant for the role (he even admitted to have lived and played the games before this was even a thing which lead to him auditioning). But like! There is just something about the serious that feels off. It's much more boring than playing the game and I can't explain it, but it just feels less entertaining to me-


            //Even when it comes to art. Witcher art was so rare and now that the series came out everyone is making art for it just because it is popular 


            //I can relate to this on too many levels