Hey guys! I had a question that I thought was fairly interesting: Can you be a Christian and not go to church? Or can you be a good Christian and not go to church? I was talking to someone who goes to the same church I do (I've missed the past few Sundays due to scheduling issues) and she said the pastors said "the simple answer is no" which I found interesting. I have my own thoughts on it, but I'm curious about what you guys think? Have a goof day and and God bless!

@Elh007 My friend had asked me a few days ago if I go to church and I said no. She asked me why not and so all I said was that "Church isn't a place, it's the people." Which I'm sure we've all heard b4 and it's true. We should be the messengers of the Gospel. It's beneficial to go to church, sure, but you shouldn't go out of obligation because then how can it improve your spiritual health? What's the point of going to church if it doesn't make a difference? That's just my perspective