
Mario: I guess they should've kept the plumbers!
          	Luigi: Yeah!
          	Y/N: What do you mean?
          	(Mario & Luigi points at the "Super RWBY Sisters" characters in the blue truck, screaming and drives off the edge of the unfinished bridge as Y/N and his team dodged it. Then they all crashed as Y/N and the others watched in miserable.)
          	Y/N: Uh, you guys good?
          	(Then a huge explosion happens to the "Super RWBY Sisters" characters.)
          	Y/N (Super RWBY Sisters): (offscreen) No...
          	Y/N: Eh, fair enough.


Mario: I guess they should've kept the plumbers!
          Luigi: Yeah!
          Y/N: What do you mean?
          (Mario & Luigi points at the "Super RWBY Sisters" characters in the blue truck, screaming and drives off the edge of the unfinished bridge as Y/N and his team dodged it. Then they all crashed as Y/N and the others watched in miserable.)
          Y/N: Uh, you guys good?
          (Then a huge explosion happens to the "Super RWBY Sisters" characters.)
          Y/N (Super RWBY Sisters): (offscreen) No...
          Y/N: Eh, fair enough.


My Strike: "Unblock my account, Math4523!"
          Over here, over there, till I end up getting sick.
          So I’ll fight for Math4523!
          Calm down, don’t you frown, I can take it up a notch!
          So I’ll fight for Math4523!
          Play a video game, though they’re all the same, I will throw you in my box!
          And I’ll make my stand, that’s the goddarn plan!
          As I fight for Math4523!