Hey all so before I have been able to post anything, I have been doing research on things for my books. So I want to apologize to my fans my rewriting of Rayanna has taken longer because truth be told I didn't know where or how I wanted to go about rewriting it but I finaly found a vison and doing well with it.
The rewrite of chapter 1-5 of the academy are done, I have edited, proof read and re-posted them. Starting tomorrow I will start chapters 6-11 of the academy and hopefully have those edited, proofread and rewritten as well as posted soon. Thank you
Hello i have great news I now have a working computer and this also means i will be posting all the rewrites as well as completing all the books to start my new ones thank you so much for your patience and understanding I hope you all enjoy the changes it will take me about to weeks to do all the reposting so please bare with me a little longer thank you.
Hello all I apologize for my absence my family and have welcomed my daughter Lylika Elizabeth Snow Weiss into the world on 4/10/14 I will be updating soon