
That last post is funny to me. 11 months after and I write one super-short sad bit that was poorly disguised as a personal vent lol
          	Anyhow, over a year later, yes, I do still want to write but life kinda happened. Shocking, I know.
          	Got dragged off to work somewhere for two months 900 miles away from home. Computer finally kicked the bucket, became legally avle to drink alchohol (and still haven't touched it), and my ex-romantic interest tossed me out of my social life like a sack of potatoes lmao
          	Oh yeah, cat passed away a week ago too.
          	So that's the negativity update, now for positive stuff.
          	I rebuilt myself a new social circle or three, and got a new, not-terrible phone.
          	Ngl, could be worse.
          	Anyhow, itch has come back to write about gay animal people so we'll see what happens. Seeya


That last post is funny to me. 11 months after and I write one super-short sad bit that was poorly disguised as a personal vent lol
          Anyhow, over a year later, yes, I do still want to write but life kinda happened. Shocking, I know.
          Got dragged off to work somewhere for two months 900 miles away from home. Computer finally kicked the bucket, became legally avle to drink alchohol (and still haven't touched it), and my ex-romantic interest tossed me out of my social life like a sack of potatoes lmao
          Oh yeah, cat passed away a week ago too.
          So that's the negativity update, now for positive stuff.
          I rebuilt myself a new social circle or three, and got a new, not-terrible phone.
          Ngl, could be worse.
          Anyhow, itch has come back to write about gay animal people so we'll see what happens. Seeya


          There are stories in the works. Yes, multiple. I'm gonna try and slow down my work this time around. In the past I struggled with too many ideas amd tried to do too many stories all at once. Now I will do my nest to stick to one thing and make sure it's a finished, polished read before making something new.
          I'm finally getting the itch to be creative again and it feels like the time to make a resurgence. A lot of ideas are flowing and they just sound entertaining to read provided I can pull it off.
          As a little favor for quintessentially dying I'll let you know what's been floating around so you know what to look forward to.
          What I'm thinking is gonna come first is a story of a young medieval sorcerer living in a society where magic is outlawed. It felt like a good baseline concept and I can go a lot of directions with it.
          Second is likely going to be a dramaticised retelling of my Nuzlocke run in Pokémon Platinum. ((For those that don't know, a Nuzlocke run is essentially hard mode Pokémon. There are two base rules. You can only catch the first pokémon encountered in each new area, if it faints or you run away, you cannot catch another in that place. And if any of your pokémon faint, it is dead and you must release it or store it in the box permanently.)) Of course, I'm smart and am doing this on arguably one of the hardest Pokémon games in the main series, but perhaps it'll end up being a good story.
          And third, I'm still trying to find a base structure, but I'm thinking something mysterious and perhaps futuristic.
          So that's what to look forward to. I make no promises about this being a fast process, so do NOT hold your breath. Anyways, thatnks for reading and hopefully this happens sooner rather than later.


*claps* good for you my friend! :) I’m so happy to see you return!! I’ve been doing a bit of soul and creative searching as well. I’m happy to hear you’re going for what you want :) we will all be here for you, so don’t feel pressure. Just do you and I know it will be great :) I wish you so much luck friend! I hope you succeed ❤️




Do not SCREE at me. Only Ridley is allowed to SCREE