
I'm going to take Captive Mate down today, but I'm giving it a few more hours in case anyone's still trying to catch up! Noon Pacific time. :) Hope everyone enjoyed it! It'll be on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited on August 27.


I'm going to take Captive Mate down today, but I'm giving it a few more hours in case anyone's still trying to catch up! Noon Pacific time. :) Hope everyone enjoyed it! It'll be on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited on August 27.


The last chapter and the epilogue are now live! Thanks so much for reading Captive Mate! I'll leave the story up on Wattpad until the morning of August 20. After that, it'll be moving to Amazon and will be available on Kindle Unlimited starting August 27.


Hi all! We're up to chapter 18 in Captive Mate now. Tomorrow I'll post chapter 19, and then the next day I'll wrap it up with chapter 20 and the epilogue! Thanks so much for reading along. :) I'm going to leave it up for a week after posting is complete, so I'll take it down on the morning of August 20th. I'll post one more reminder about that a couple of days beforehand.


Captive Mate has two more chapters today! I'm speeding up my posting schedule a little bit, so you may get two chapters a day more often until the end. I need to probably take it down a few days earlier than I expected, so I'm making sure everyone gets a chance to finish. Enjoy chapters 10 and 11 today, and tomorrow I'll probably post two more!


Hi all! I'm happy to announce that Captive Mate, book two in my Mismatched Mates series, is now appearing on Wattpad! It's the sequel to The Alpha's Warlock, which I posted here last year/in the spring of this year. The Alpha's Warlock is no longer on Wattpad, but if you want to catch up, it is available in Kindle Unlimited right now.
          I'm going to be posting this pretty quickly, because my Amazon pub date for this is August 27. I'll be taking Captive Mate down on August 20 so I have time for final formatting and editing, and I'll make sure to finish posting the last chapters by a few days before that, so everyone can have a chance to read it.
          I may or may not put future sequels in this series on Wattpad, but this book is such an immediate follow-up to the book you all read here that I wanted you to have a chance to read it in this format! Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy.
          P.S.: I just put up two chapters at once! :)


@escapereader832 Good! I hope you enjoy!


@EliotGrayson : Sorry to hear you caught the virus, but I am glad you are now settled. Doing ok and keeping safe.   Excited to read captive mate 


@escapereader832  Thank you! Doing well. My whole family already had Covid, so we're pretty chill at the moment. Hope you're well and safe too!


Update to the schedule for removing The Alpha's Warlock from Wattpad: I'm going to unpublish it tonight, rather than tomorrow night, as Amazon is being very slow to handle publish requests right now and I want to make sure it goes live on time (I think they're a little overwhelmed by the current situation). So today's the last chance to read it here! Sorry for any inconvenience to anyone who was planning on one more day to read it on this platform. :) I hope all of you are staying safe and well, and my best to all of you and your families!


Thank you so much! The truth is, most "legit" authors are loners who feel weird speaking to *anyone*, so you're not alone, haha! I really appreciate your taking the time to give me such kind feedback. I promise I'm writing as quickly as my busy junk food and Netflix schedule will let me ! :)


@EliotGrayson I feel weird speaking with a legit author like this, but here goes! I devoured The Alpha's Warlock overnight and am desperate for you to finish Matthew's story! Im working my way through your historical works now and you are already one of my favorite authors. You're unique and talented and i am awed by your literature! Please keep writing and I will definitely keep reading!


Quick update! Just a reminder that The Alpha's Warlock will be coming down from Wattpad on March 18. I'll unpublish it that evening. Within a day or two, it will become available on Amazon for sale and in Kindle Unlimited. Anyone who's catching up, you still have plenty of time to read to the (I hope) exciting and romantic conclusion. :) Thank you all for reading! I also hope to have the first chapter of the next book up sometime in March. This will be Matthew's story, title and details TBA...


Today, since this is the last update, I've posted two chapters at once! And that brings The Alpha's Warlock to a conclusion. Thanks to everyone who's been following along. I've enjoyed writing this story so much, and I can't wait to get started on the next one...because yes, there will be a next one. Two next ones. Stay tuned for the further adventures of Matthew and his mysterious shaman and Charlie and Dor, with appearances from Nate and Ian, too, of course! 
          Although I've loved posting this story on Wattpad, I'm going to move it to Amazon in one month. It'll be available there for sale and in Kindle Unlimited starting on March 20, at which point I'll need to remove it from this platform. However, it'll be here for anyone who wants to finish it on Wattpad until then! Thanks again. :) You're all awesome.