وربي اني اقذر وأنحس بشرية على وجه الارض.. I know that I have done nothing in my life and I wish I had never lived. I am truly dirty and I hate myself and all of that is because of the filth of my personality. I wish I had never been born in the first place.. because horrible things happened to me and I wish for death so that I could remove the filth of my soul. In 2010 I was born In December, on the 5th, I wish I had never been bornI wish you all the best and success in your life and a happy birthday to everyone who has a birthday.
@ Elista877 بقول لك سر...انا صح قذرة بس القذرة هذي الي قدامك راح تنزل رواية برمضان وقصتها تكون عن بطلين الليهم رائد وصقر كوبل جديد وراح يكون صقر عراقي ورائد سعودي وش رايك اتوقع راح تكون اسطورية وانا عندي شهرين بس علشان اكمل الرواية وانشرها برمضان ✨