
Soooo, I’m thinking about getting back into writing. (I’ve been gone for a while.) Do you guys want some new content from me?


*radio static noise is tuned to an audible message*
          -a desperate message! I’ve almost escaped the dreaded abyss known as ‘Hiatus,’ but it threatens to consume me entirely. *catches breath* I- I don’t if anyone is hearing this message *panting* I’ve been gone for so long. Would they even want me back? Surely, they’ve moved on by now. It’s been two years. Feed a dog for three days and it’s loyal for life, but is it true for followers? They ate like kings... or at least a very wealthy janitor. But was my content tasty enough?
          *Phone buzzes* Hmm! *checks phone* Oh, my gosh! *sees followers pleading for updates* My followers DO care. *sobbing commences* This is t-the happi- *sniffle* -est day- *sniffle* of my life.
          *Wipes tears away* That does it, I’m getting out of here! Kiss my booty, Hiatus! I’m outta here!
          *Climbing picks can be heard smashing into rock, as well as, singing (???)*
          “Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time
          I'm holding this pick
          Don't stop me now
          If you wanna have a good time (wooh)
          Just drop in the chat (alright)
          And give me a call
          Don’t stop me know
          *radio message cuts out, leaving static in its place*
          Translation: I’m thinking about coming back to write some stuff, I’ve been trying to pick up old hobbies of mine (to reconnect with my past), and I’m wondering what I should write. I also want to know what you guys think (because I value my followers and your feedback, despite my hiatus.) Should I continue my existing GravityFalls fanfics even though GravityFalls ended quite sometime ago? I know some of you still want to see its continuation. Should I write fanfics of a different show and/or should I take a stab at writing a novel of my own? LET ME KNOW! PPPLLLEEEAAASSEEEE¡¡¡


Hey, so I like to read your "The Real Me" book. It has a combination of darkness and romance. I am looking forward for your book. The fighting scene is a good taste. Romance and jealousy makes it perfect and darkness makes the story interesting. I like your book "The Real Me." Please update it. 
                                                                                                      (A GF and DxP fan)


Chapter four to my Dipcifica story is up. If you're still into the ship or like some good old cliffhangers as well as excitement, I suggest you check it out. If you're in the neighborhood (my profile/story), stay for a while, because the next chapter is right around the corner. More works from me are to come.


My long absence is over; I have returned. No need to worry any longer, you'll be seeing more of me from now on. The EliteNERFCommander has returned from his slumber. He is fully rested and ready to deck out stories to the peeps who want them.
          So how many of you are still hanging about? I wonder...
          EliteNERFCommander reporting for duty.


Hi! I don't think you know me but I would like to say that your stories are amazing! I read your Dipcifica book and I am going to read the sequel. Don't get discouraged when people don't appreciate you because there will always be people who do, like me. Have a great day!


I don't feel that way anymore.