*radio static noise is tuned to an audible message*
-a desperate message! I’ve almost escaped the dreaded abyss known as ‘Hiatus,’ but it threatens to consume me entirely. *catches breath* I- I don’t if anyone is hearing this message *panting* I’ve been gone for so long. Would they even want me back? Surely, they’ve moved on by now. It’s been two years. Feed a dog for three days and it’s loyal for life, but is it true for followers? They ate like kings... or at least a very wealthy janitor. But was my content tasty enough?
*Phone buzzes* Hmm! *checks phone* Oh, my gosh! *sees followers pleading for updates* My followers DO care. *sobbing commences* This is t-the happi- *sniffle* -est day- *sniffle* of my life.
*Wipes tears away* That does it, I’m getting out of here! Kiss my booty, Hiatus! I’m outta here!
*Climbing picks can be heard smashing into rock, as well as, singing (???)*
“Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time
I'm holding this pick
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time (wooh)
Just drop in the chat (alright)
And give me a call
Don’t stop me know
*radio message cuts out, leaving static in its place*
Translation: I’m thinking about coming back to write some stuff, I’ve been trying to pick up old hobbies of mine (to reconnect with my past), and I’m wondering what I should write. I also want to know what you guys think (because I value my followers and your feedback, despite my hiatus.) Should I continue my existing GravityFalls fanfics even though GravityFalls ended quite sometime ago? I know some of you still want to see its continuation. Should I write fanfics of a different show and/or should I take a stab at writing a novel of my own? LET ME KNOW! PPPLLLEEEAAASSEEEE¡¡¡