
We made it to February, folks! Haven't been as up-to-date on what's going on in Wattpad. Anybody have any news to share? How's your writing coming? Any good books to rec? Feel free to drop links below!



@unicornxlips Hi! Thanks for the invite but I've already signed up for one book club and presently don't have the extra time to join a second. But once I get more free time, I'll be able to scroll back through my feed and see this, so thank you for the link!


Hi all, I'm looking for some bookclubs to join. Since I've never been part of one here on Wattpad, I'm not really sure where to look now that the forums are gone. 
          Anyone have any experience with them? I'd love to hear it~~


@ChelseaFrey They sound great! I think I will only be able to join one this year per time commitments but would like to be part of more next year.


@Eliviasalt those three have very similar rules but do their reading rounds differently i can give a better run down later on when i get to my laptop. But they're all really fun and tight communities! 


@ChelseaFrey Wow, that's awesome and you are dedicated! Can you explain the gist of how they work? Or are they all different rules and such? I'm going to check out their pages now.


How is everyone else? Is 2021 shaping up to be better than 2020? What are your writing goals?
          Editing is in full swing for the Salty Awards contest winners and my brain fog seems to have dissipated. I guess that means I'm back in action! 
          Side note - it's been so nice delving back into editing other peoples' stories. Hopefully, I will be able to start up some more read for reads in March (after I finish @dlcroisette Ruby Red, @GalaRu57 Love Novice).  So stay tuned!
          Much love~