
K to continue my stupid rant I am going to say that I just finished reading a fanfic...
          	so I can read over 100 word per minute...this fanfiction took me literal days to finish...I was reading for 6 hours straight last night to finish...but I still cant use it for english... ugh


and then i also read this one
          	  that was 25 hours and 39 minutes with 49 parts... :')


You got discord? Or insta? Pls 


@ I_need_coffee_bitch  Mine is euvre


K to continue my stupid rant I am going to say that I just finished reading a fanfic...
          so I can read over 100 word per minute...this fanfiction took me literal days to finish...I was reading for 6 hours straight last night to finish...but I still cant use it for english... ugh


and then i also read this one
            that was 25 hours and 39 minutes with 49 parts... :')


Imma just leave this here for future me, 
          I wish that you could use fanfiction as a book to show that you read...so in Language arts/English we have to turn in this little assignment thingy on a book to show we were reading during the week..I read...A lot..just not anything I could put on an assignment for school...*screaming in background* so now my teacher's mad a t me for doing the smallest book possible...