Hi! Here's a little to know about me. I  LOVE Broadway. I have seen 13 shows so far in my life! My favorites are Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers and Be More Chill! I also love New York in general. Here's some fun facts!

1) I am very picky with food
2) Top 3 Hamilton OTP's are Hamliza, Elams, and Laurliza
3) I love chocolate, but really only dark chocolate
4)I am friends with @mpoire, @kawaiipanda85, @hamilton_x_heathers,
5) My fave desserts are macaroons and crepes
6) My fave foods are beef stew, potatoes, and chicken meatballs!!!
7) My fave Broadway characters are Eliza, Philip, Peggy, Michael, and Jared
8) My fave Broadway songs are Michael in the Bathroom, Non-Stop, and Good For You
9) My fave Broadway quote: "What are you, an acorn?" Jared, DEH
  • Yelling "Guns and Ships" & "Michael in the Bathroom" at my friends who think I'm crazy
  • Дата регистрацииDecember 8, 2018

Последнее сообщение
ElizaHamilton811 ElizaHamilton811 Sep 13, 2019 12:43AM
HEYYYYY!!! I"M BACK FOR LIKE 5 MINS!!! I'm just reading some past stuff and looking at updates. Love you guys!
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