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how do you get a butterfly drunk? If you did, how would you know? What if it started singing? Seen by Eliza Scarlet at 12:40am "I believe I can fly~ OH SHIT I CAN!" what if you got a horse drunk would the lying bitch admit he's related to unicorns and reveal their location? I assumed the hoes gender and I lowkey regret everything lowkey tho WHAT IF WE FIND THE UNICORNS, IF WE GET THEM DRUNK WILL THEY ADMIT THEY BUT ON DOLPHIN SUITS AND PRETEND TO BE NARWHALS AS A HOBBY!? Are unicorns just really gay horses I want a gay horse Wait a second IS HOBI A UNICORN THEY CALL HIM A HORSE WHICH MAKES ME SAD BUT I ALSO CALLED HIM OT AS GAY THE OTHER DAY * GASPS IN KOREAN* HOBI IS A UNICORN WAIT HE IS ALSO THE SUN ARE UNICORNS BORN ON THE SUN IS HOBI THE MOTHER OF ALL UNICORNS!?!?!?!?!?!?!? DO UNICORNS HAVE MAAGICALS POWERS LIKE SOLAR POWERS OR SHITTING RAYNBOWS WHAT IF THEY DO AND HOBI IS ALWAYS TRYING TO CONTAIN THEM AROUND aRMy's !?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? DOES BTS KNOW!? or does only Tae know if you know what I mean~ SORRYNOTSORRY