
Alatúlië! Greetings to whoever may be listening. 
          	To Follows the Stars is being updated again, for anyone who is interested. Like before, it will be updated on Saturdays. 


Alatúlië! I have sad news, dear readers!
          To Follow the Stars will be on an extended hiatus sometime from now until October. I have landed myself a seasonal job in my field that will take me off to parts of my country where internet access (and even cell service) is limited. I will unfortunately not be able to update To Follow the Stars during this time. 
          However, I will be continuing to work on To Follow the Stars while I am away. Hopefully, there will be w few chapters to upload upon my return (that is if I don't get too distracted working on my new LotR/Silm WIP).
          Best wishes from the deep pine forests and high mountains! 


Alatúlië! Greetings to whoever may be listening. 
          Some of you may have already noticed that new To Follow the Stars chapters have been coming out regularly. I am happy to announce that I will update this fanfic weekly on Saturdays. 
          Hurray for the banishment of procrastination and writer's block! Let's hope it stays that way. 


@ElrondofGondolin To be honest, I know practically zip about the Orcish, Black Speech, and Khuzdul languages. I just love the elves so much that I never really looked into those. I have the special extended edition of all the movies, of course! I hate watching the no-extended ones because they cut so much of the elves out. I have not actually watched the appendices, although I mean to when I have the time. I do have to say that I was disappointed with the Battle of Five Armies extended edition because almost nothing interesting and/or informative was added.